Look over the edge

People have always wondered whether the universe edge. Although it is assumed that it is boundless, infinite, and so on. D., But the human mind difficult to operate beskonechnostyu.Uchenym NASA recently succeeded in using the Hubble Space Telescope to see the edge of the visible universe, which is located at a distance from us for more than 13 billion light years.
Now scientists saw what previously only conjecture. In the picture - the farthest point of the universe known to mankind. And the oldest. Indistinct blobs of light appeared more than 13 billion years ago. By space standards - almost immediately after the Big Bang. Now collage studied in all relevant institutions.
"The total amount of exposure for more than three weeks, this piece of the sky shot with incredible depth," - says Olga Silchenko, head of the department of physics emission stars and galaxies Sternberg State Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University.
It looks, of course, not as beautiful as hundreds of other pictures donated by the Hubble Space Telescope to mankind. But to understand the essence, just use your imagination. After orbiting the Earth is actually a time machine. All that we see today, happened billions of years ago: the collision of galaxies, the birth of new ones. Many of us constellations visible, most likely no longer exist - there is only light. And it is this - the main interest of scientists. To understand what happened when our universe was still quite young, it becomes more and more real.
"We will be able to see deeper fainter objects", - Mrs. Olga Silchenko.
Interestingly, in 2004, scientists at NASA have looked at a similar picture with the Hubble, arguing that such distant objects he has never seen them. Eight years later, overcome by the new frontier. But no matter how many telescopes peering into the sky, one still can not answer the question whether there is at the edge of our universe.
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