City Dog in Caxias do Sul
Brazilian favelas - the so-called towns slums in Brazil. Them there are very, very much, but it's not about them. Residents of cities so compassionate that pets who too hard, they have created a special dog favela. This town of Caxias do Sul, which was "built" in 1998. There began to appear booth, and today they are increasingly.
Once upon a time the bestial hunger dogs ran wild, shoot down a formidable pack and attacked people in search of food and shelter. Cope with the problem becomes more difficult, almost impossible. Initial efforts undertaken activists Fund for Animal Welfare. Local organization has created a fenced camp for dogs and cats. On an area the size of several hectares was established on municipal funds set of booths. There lived a dog, cat. And beside functioning veterinary clinic, where the animals are treated, sterilized, collect money for food. These include dogs and cats suffered from flayers, simply "podobryshey" who die from exhaustion.
One has only to start. Some have started, others continued. People come, feed the animals, help them, and some times no, yes take home tramp. In the month of 2,000 animals (dogs 90%) consume nearly 12,000 kg of feed.

Once upon a time the bestial hunger dogs ran wild, shoot down a formidable pack and attacked people in search of food and shelter. Cope with the problem becomes more difficult, almost impossible. Initial efforts undertaken activists Fund for Animal Welfare. Local organization has created a fenced camp for dogs and cats. On an area the size of several hectares was established on municipal funds set of booths. There lived a dog, cat. And beside functioning veterinary clinic, where the animals are treated, sterilized, collect money for food. These include dogs and cats suffered from flayers, simply "podobryshey" who die from exhaustion.

One has only to start. Some have started, others continued. People come, feed the animals, help them, and some times no, yes take home tramp. In the month of 2,000 animals (dogs 90%) consume nearly 12,000 kg of feed.