Mystical hummingbird
There are over 300 species of hummingbirds. And all of them - are very different and very beautiful. Rainbow baby birds - amazing creatures. About them go real legend.
Hummingbirds Anna
Hummingbirds of Costa Rica
Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds - a bird for the performance of rituals in the Pueblo Indian tribe. Shamans use the birds to use them to "pass the gifts of the Great Mother that lives underground." Hummingbird feathers are to perform the ritual to invoke rain.
Hummingbirds Anna
Fire hummingbird
Hummingbird flap its wings 52-70 times per second. The principle of the movement of the wings differs from the ordinary movements of the wings of birds. Trajectory of the wings resembles a figure eight, the symbol of infinity, hence many more insights about the mystical influence of these birds on our world. Due to this property, the birds can dramatically change the trajectory and fly up and down, back and forth, and instantly changing the trajectory.
Fire hummingbird
Hummingbirds Violet Sabrewing
Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds almost can not walk or even barely stand, they have a very weak legs. They live in South America, as well as where the humid and many mountain plants.
Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds can not be harmed. They live the souls of dead ancestors. Legends of the people of Trinidad teas
Hummingbirds Violet Crown
Big heart hummingbird three times the stomach. It beats at a rate of 500 beats per minute, and in a state of flight - a speed of 1200 strokes per minute. They extract nectar from the flowers of a long tongue, flying up to a cup of plants and fluttering around her.
Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Big heart men who wanted to conquer the moon-woman, turned into a beautiful bird. Mayan legend
Hummingbirds Forest nymph in a purple crown
When a hummingbird flies, it is not visible, only iridescent cloud of barely audible sweeps the face with a slight buzz. Rostochkom these birds are not more big bee.
Hummingbirds Fire Neck
The little bird flew out of the darkness into the light and made it through the narrow gap. She brought in the key of the light beam. So people know the light. Legend Mojave
Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds Violet Crown
When Mama hummingbird hatching, dad protects the family, and she - feed your baby. A maximum of two hummingbirds are born chick.
Hummingbirds Diamond Green Crown
Hummingbirds Marvelous Spatuletail
Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds - love the guy. A red flower - his beloved. Family guy and the girl wanted to separate them, but they failed. And the young couple became the bird and flower, to love each other forever. Legend Dzhatiboniku people from Puerto Rico
Hummingbirds Violet Crown
Weight birds - 2 grams, size - 2-3 cm, with a tail - 5.

Hummingbirds Anna

Hummingbirds of Costa Rica

Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds - a bird for the performance of rituals in the Pueblo Indian tribe. Shamans use the birds to use them to "pass the gifts of the Great Mother that lives underground." Hummingbird feathers are to perform the ritual to invoke rain.

Hummingbirds Anna

Fire hummingbird
Hummingbird flap its wings 52-70 times per second. The principle of the movement of the wings differs from the ordinary movements of the wings of birds. Trajectory of the wings resembles a figure eight, the symbol of infinity, hence many more insights about the mystical influence of these birds on our world. Due to this property, the birds can dramatically change the trajectory and fly up and down, back and forth, and instantly changing the trajectory.

Fire hummingbird

Hummingbirds Violet Sabrewing

Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds almost can not walk or even barely stand, they have a very weak legs. They live in South America, as well as where the humid and many mountain plants.

Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds can not be harmed. They live the souls of dead ancestors. Legends of the people of Trinidad teas

Hummingbirds Violet Crown
Big heart hummingbird three times the stomach. It beats at a rate of 500 beats per minute, and in a state of flight - a speed of 1200 strokes per minute. They extract nectar from the flowers of a long tongue, flying up to a cup of plants and fluttering around her.

Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Big heart men who wanted to conquer the moon-woman, turned into a beautiful bird. Mayan legend

Hummingbirds Forest nymph in a purple crown
When a hummingbird flies, it is not visible, only iridescent cloud of barely audible sweeps the face with a slight buzz. Rostochkom these birds are not more big bee.

Hummingbirds Fire Neck
The little bird flew out of the darkness into the light and made it through the narrow gap. She brought in the key of the light beam. So people know the light. Legend Mojave

Hummingbirds Fire Neck

Hummingbirds Violet Crown
When Mama hummingbird hatching, dad protects the family, and she - feed your baby. A maximum of two hummingbirds are born chick.

Hummingbirds Diamond Green Crown

Hummingbirds Marvelous Spatuletail

Hummingbirds Fire Neck
Hummingbirds - love the guy. A red flower - his beloved. Family guy and the girl wanted to separate them, but they failed. And the young couple became the bird and flower, to love each other forever. Legend Dzhatiboniku people from Puerto Rico

Hummingbirds Violet Crown
Weight birds - 2 grams, size - 2-3 cm, with a tail - 5.