The smallest bird - Hummingbird
Birds, hummingbirds even 300 years ago Europeans considered insects, live in America, in the tropics, subtropics, and other climatic zones. The largest species of Hummingbird is 22 cm, and the smallest is the dwarf bee -6 inches from tip of tail to beak. All in all, has 350 species of hummingbirds.
Hummingbird feathers reflect light and shimmer like a living emerald. If we consider the feather to increase, we can see small granules, which give the smallest bird bright shimmering color.
The sounds of these little ones, reminiscent of buzzing bees. It creates sounds by the throat, snapping his beak, and vibration of the wings. Since ancient times, the hummingbirds were good partners for the flowers. When a Hummingbird dipped its beak in the flower, on the head they have a lot of pollen, which they carry in large quantity over long distances. But the flowers of Datura Hummingbird macklowe the only friends because only they can get the pollen from the depth of 20 cm flower in its beak with a length of 10 centimeters.
This beautiful bird flies with a speed of 100 km/hour in a day can fly up to 2 million flowers. Nectar it requires 2 to 8 times more than it weighs itself birds. Hummingbird is like a Bicycle: if it doesn't move, to fall and stop her death.
Calm baby heart beats 500 times per minute, and during flight can reach 1,000 beats. Muscles birds need to be warmed up to at any time start moving the wings.
Source: /users/155

Hummingbird feathers reflect light and shimmer like a living emerald. If we consider the feather to increase, we can see small granules, which give the smallest bird bright shimmering color.

The sounds of these little ones, reminiscent of buzzing bees. It creates sounds by the throat, snapping his beak, and vibration of the wings. Since ancient times, the hummingbirds were good partners for the flowers. When a Hummingbird dipped its beak in the flower, on the head they have a lot of pollen, which they carry in large quantity over long distances. But the flowers of Datura Hummingbird macklowe the only friends because only they can get the pollen from the depth of 20 cm flower in its beak with a length of 10 centimeters.

This beautiful bird flies with a speed of 100 km/hour in a day can fly up to 2 million flowers. Nectar it requires 2 to 8 times more than it weighs itself birds. Hummingbird is like a Bicycle: if it doesn't move, to fall and stop her death.

Calm baby heart beats 500 times per minute, and during flight can reach 1,000 beats. Muscles birds need to be warmed up to at any time start moving the wings.
Source: /users/155