Photos—hummingbirds so close you haven't seen
Miniature things, it is always funny, especially when they are functional. Microtick Hummingbird has long been known for its small size, comparable to the size of a butterfly. Today we want to show you them up close... even closer! You will be able to appreciate the beauty of this unique bird as well as see it in flight and even appreciate her thin tongue with which she drinks the sweet nectar of flowers. If you've never seen a Hummingbird, we provide you a great opportunity to do so.

Hummingbird manage 50 times flap their wings per second

These pictures were taken by photographer Chris Morgan

Chris visited the private reserve of Bosque de Paz in Costa Rica with a size of 3000 acres, where he made these wonderful pictures

Pictures of other photographers

Hummingbird in flight (slow motion), you can see the tongue protruding from its beak

Hummingbird next to a coin for comparison
Hummingbird drinks from the mouth of a man

During break

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: 4tololo.ru
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