
"The Soviet beach»
Seacoast and crowds of sunbathers on the background of a huge futuristic buildings, like the alien spaceship. This picture traveled around the social networks with the caption: "A lot of the old Soviet photos look like posters for the sci-fi movie." But in reality it is only a good collage: the famous Copacabana Beach and the Brazilian National Library of Belarus.

That is the real entourage Library in Minsk:

"Einstein on reception at the psychotherapist»
On the Internet you can find articles about "mental disorder genius" illustrated by this picture. Looking at the sad physics, it is easy to believe.
But the truth is (and it is much more interesting). Einstein was captured in the photo along with a CIA agent Cord Meyer. This man led the movement "United World Federalists" and was a staunch supporter of the "world government" (the concept of a unified political power in the world). On that day they Einstein discussed Russia's attitude to this idea.

"Audrey Hepburn in class ballet»
Many believe that a dancer on the right - this is true of the Golden Age of Hollywood actress, the more that really Audrey studied ballet and first danced on stage in London theaters. In fact, it is a modern color image, made in Russia (PhotoBank Lori).

It is necessary to increase a person to finally make sure that it is not Hepburn.

"Russian nuthouse»
Yes, this picture really scary. Still, this does not explain why many Internet users have decided that mentally ill patients in Russia mastered levitation. And "identified" even the exact date and place: in 1952, the city of Khasavyurt in Dagestan.

This is actually a scene from the ballet in 1977 Blaubart («Bluebeard") directed by German dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch. The illusion that women hang above the ground on a steep wall was amazing (they were holding an invisible spectator recess). Interestingly, the scene was inspired by the creators of the popular contemporary series "American Horror Story", which actually repeated it in one of the episodes.

"Putin upset failure Russian hockey players at the Olympics»
February 19, 2014 the Russian team lost to the Finns in the quarterfinals with a score of 1: 3, after which bloggers and some media rastirazhirovali this photo dejected Russian president next to the same dull Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
But in reality, the frame was made for a couple of days before (date remained at the site Getty Images), while playing Russia - Slovakia. What is surprising, then our players have won 1: 0, although the first person can not be said.