Almost like people
For the grill: "Wear plates, everything is ready!»
Hi, Mishutka!
The game of hide and seek.
The practice of kung fu.
Reading the morning newspaper.
Education of the younger generation.
Preparing to hike to the club.
Went for a walk.
It's time to relieve himself.
I'm still waiting, waiting, and cake to me no one is.
Hey Mike, do you remember what you did last night drunk?
It's time to cool off on a hot day.
Mishka enjoyed playing Tetherball.
Uiiiii !!!
A second bear while putting water skiing.
It is necessary to take a back seat to purchase.
Source: 4tololo.ru

Hi, Mishutka!

The game of hide and seek.

The practice of kung fu.

Reading the morning newspaper.

Education of the younger generation.


Preparing to hike to the club.

Went for a walk.

It's time to relieve himself.

I'm still waiting, waiting, and cake to me no one is.

Hey Mike, do you remember what you did last night drunk?

It's time to cool off on a hot day.

Mishka enjoyed playing Tetherball.

Uiiiii !!!

A second bear while putting water skiing.

It is necessary to take a back seat to purchase.

Source: 4tololo.ru