Ten classes on forehead
And it's true, for ten years in school, Volodya had received only one unit.
According to the literature. For what had not read the novel "How the Steel Was Tempered» ...
And the irony: in a few years the role of Pavel Korchagin Konkin brought international fame, rank, and dozens of awards at film festivals, with this film, he traveled all over the world.
Taking off in the "meeting place", Vladimir received for shooting day more Vysotsky, because by this time become the honored artist of Ukraine, while Vysotsky had no title.
So the number of the literature turned mascot. I admire his love of the Russian language. In this sense, Konkin alien to me, he miraculously still manages to preserve the transparency of Russian speech, listen to him for hours - he has a perfect, clean, some of Turgenev's writing style.
We were born in one year and one month, so something in common "lion" is, of course. Intolerance to certain dullness and stagnation, the unwillingness to put up with the conventions, even to the detriment of himself. Volodya in his life was replaced 11 theaters - leave when it became boring, and rightly so!
Although by nature he is a man very true - 40 years he lived with his Allochka until, like a fairy tale, death separates them.
This is my home, in November 2009, on the set of programs dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the release of new "meeting place". One of the last photos of Alla Konkin, four months later she died.
Today Volodya's birthday, let us congratulate him. He is very good, and for me is not just an old friend, a good keeper of traditions not only the literary, but also human.
Stanislav Sadalsky