Rich finds

In fact, one gram of "finished" whale burps worth $ 20. The word "complete" implies a long process of bringing a lump to the desired state when this giant spits vomiting, it floats on the surface of the ocean, because it has a lower density than salt water. Canning salt water and tempered in the sun, belching hardens and gets creepy long-playing "flavor", which is used in perfume to perfume long held his scent on you. An instance of the picture, weighing nearly 15 pounds was valued at 63,000 dollars

Australia. Miner named Bobby worked his last day, and all the thoughts already rested long retired, and decided to empty your bucket of mud. At the bottom, he found what is now called "The Royal One", a huge opal, weighing 306 carats. This stone lay just a meter from the surface as much as 400 million years. Such stones since 1930 are no longer. In its original form it could be sold for $ 2500, but treated it already cost $ 756,000. Maybe in life Bobby had a lot of adversity, but failed pension.

Sometimes, hobbies bring us the greatest dividends. One of the homeless in the US HOS dabbled with a metal detector for 18 years, and one day he found a 1000 gold and silver coins, as well as weapons, all the finds dated to the 7th century. Since the discovery legally belongs to the US, only half gave the lucky. Half of the treasures in terms of dollars, estimated at 1, 6 million dollars.

Normal penny 1974 about a year costs only one cent, but not in this case. Robert Lawrence was the son of the deputy superintendent of the mint in the United States in Denver. After his death, his father left his offspring inherited a coin collection in the lunch box. For a long time she lay useless, but after moving from Denver to San Diego, Robert took them to the expert who evaluated the coin only 300 dollars. But after careful study, he found that one of the coins was completely made of aluminum. According to history, these coins were made of only 10 and it was thought that they were all destroyed, because they do not take a soda vending machines. But it turns out, one survived and she alone is estimated at $ 2 million.

The first number of this comic book series is estimated precisely in such a fabulous sum. The fact that this was released in the 1938th year, a comic for the first time gave the world famous character: Superman. One man from Minnesota bought an old abandoned house for $ 10,100. Renovating one and the walls, he found this valuable comics. On the internet auction this rare comics risen in price to $ 100,000. Unnecessarily, he was in a shabby condition, more for it is not given, but now he is in excellent condition and is worth 2 million.

In 1989, the year the man came out with a flea market with a small picture for 4 bucks. The painting itself he did not like, but the frame has earned him attention. At home, he took a picture on the back and found a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Total known about the existence of 25 copies. At the time of the sale in 1991 it was estimated at 2.4 million dollars, and in the 2000th its value was already 8.1 million.

Carol Dayton build cars for Ford to his model could compete with Ferrari in the 24-hour race 'LeMans'. In 1964th he designed 6 cars, but only 5 of neither survived. As it was believed killed last original 3 decades ago. But one day the daughter of the late father bequeathed opened her garage and found an old worn Daytona. After the restoration of the car left the auction for 4 million.

Stradivarius instruments have always been as price and quality. To note, in the 1700's by them even presented as a gift to royal families. That is the Stradivarius violin invented for orchestral performances. Before him to fiddle was heard, musicians with violins located in five different places in different parts of the room.

A striking example of what is always necessary to understand all the intricacies before you do anything. An American made a living in that collected and purified metal objects. One day he bought a rusty metal sphere with pearl inlays for 14,000 dollars. After cleaning, he brought it to the appraiser, who learned in a ball lost Faberge egg, which left 42 out of 50 ever produced. He sold the egg collector for $ 33 million, and would like to make money on it is 500 bucks at best.

At a garage sale Tony Maron bought a box of documents for $ 5. Going through the documents, he found a bill on the 1625 shares of the oil company, which later merged with another oil company, which later merged with Coca-Cola. Now Maron is entitled to 1.8 million shares of the company for a total of $ 130 million. It was the largest private individual-shareholder of Coca-Cola.

Source: muz4in.net