Husband and wife for more than 10 years Muay Thai

In Thai boxing Dmitry and Maria came alone, but now it is their common cause. In anticipation of the super tournament on Muay Thai, K-1 and MMA with the participation of world stars, which will be held on September 13 in Minsk, we talked with the family taybokserov problems of this sport.
- Before you get excited about Thai boxing, taekwondo I was about two years, and then threw this thing for over a year and not doing anything. It was then that my uncle and brought in Thai boxing. I have it sports person and did not want my brother and I wandered through the streets, - says Dmitry. - In general, about Muay Thai, I learned from the magazine, which is found in the country. After that caught fire and decided to become a Thai boxer.
- And since my childhood I have tried different sports, but I was attracted to martial arts. Engaged in kung fu. It was interesting to learn his philosophy, to take part in the demonstrations. But the soul is required of combat art form. When engaged in Kung Fu, Muay Thai to skeptical about. He seemed to me a very tough sport with incomprehensible massacre. And then, when I live in the competition saw him interested. As a result, became involved in another and Thai boxing, and then completely switched only to him, - says Maria.

Spouses are trained in different clubs, but Dmitry Mary helps with the preparation for a competition. She has a dream: she wants to become a world champion. When asked why she did, replied: "To be the best!»
In each life there are moments when I want to quit. And Maria is no exception. After studying at the Faculty of International Relations BSU time has come to choose: work or sport. Decided to work on a specialty and no longer do. When I got to the customs authorities, it is even more spurred her to return to training. Lack of communication, movement, and sedentary work bored.

- When asked how many years we have been scared to call numbers. I am 10th class engaged, spouse 16 years. As a result, we are in Thai boxing for more than 10 years - says Maria.
- Since I grew up in Factory area, then periodically had to swing his fists. In high school I even registered with the police standing - smiles Dmitry. - As a child, was meek and the first fight did not climb, somehow always pestered me.
- In my life never had to apply their skills and hopefully will not have to - says Maria.

- Now in Belarus Thai boxing is becoming very popular, opens many schools, and it seems to me that this is largely due to advertising. Our guys took prizes in world competitions, and this is a lot of talk in the media. And here he effect: people see that we have a good school, and have to deal with, - says Dmitry. - Thai boxing - one of spectator sports with a wide variety of techniques, he attracts the audience. In addition, it is quite hard form of martial arts.
Dmitri says, to build a career, he was a snap. Now he works as an athlete-instructor at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism and is the reigning champion of the world.

- Just a year after the start of training, I participated in the national competition in the adult group, although at the time I was 17. Then I took the second place, losing in the final multiple world champion. I noticed, were taken to the Junior World Championships, which I easily won. It was then that I began to walk up the stairs. And so far I go, - says Dmitry.

- Thai boxing - it's not a classic box with a huge fee. Muay Thai is only now started to develop professionally. There are structures in which pay a lot, but there is very difficult to get into, and mostly they are working on K-1 rules.
- Since I have been doing Muay Thai unprofessional, it is necessary, unfortunately, to work. And in fact, it's hard - to combine training, competition, work and still be mistress of the house. Sport I have for the soul, but of course, I would like it to become the main means of income. But it is very difficult. Firstly, because women's fights are not so paid, as male. Second, the fighting is not much - says Maria.

- In boxing, as a rule, are an athlete on the career ladder, arrange fights to earn a rating. At us it is not. We simply throw in the ring - and, - says Dmitry. - I fought the strongest athletes when not in principle have to do that.
- In boxing, other money and another scheme of work, so there is more and more serious. We are all the more true, I would have said no suit custom fights to improve their ranking, - says Maria. - We have a lot of champions, because the school is strong. And it's a worthy champion, who snatched his victory teeth and earned their blood and sweat.
- And if you compare with other sports such as hockey and football, we live in the hall and we earn, in contrast, little money. But what we have results! At each World Cup or European, we are constantly in the top three, and not only in the team standings. And it's about saying something.

- The fee for the victory in the World Cup or European Amateur is 48 million rubles, - says Dmitry. - In other countries, it's $ 15-30 thousand.
- And this is for the fans of a lot harder to win than for professionals. In May, the World Cup in Malaysia, which was attended by participants from 105 countries. And travel is the most powerful in your weight class. As a result, a week do you spend three to five fights. It's very hard, - explains Maria. - In other countries, athletes are sent to the competition, provide funds for food, give form. We unfortunately do not. Coaches try to do my best, but ... this year before the championship, however, we were gathering in flocks. And this is considered very cool. While other countries send their athletes to the World Cup for a month in Thailand.

- If we had high fees, we would be talking about it. If the box for one fight athlete can receive several hundred thousand dollars, we have a fighter at the highest level - a maximum of $ 10 thousand. Thai boxing is actively developing, and get a big fee is very difficult. A pity, since we have such a unique school and coaches, - says Maria.
- This is a big problem that there is no money. Many talented and promising guys go, because they can not normally make, - says Dmitry.

Source: people.onliner.by