Everything that I did not understand about the device Firefly, was on a yacht Arctic
When I watched the show, the focus can not understand how one could hide contraband on such a small boat. B> When we started to ship food to articheskuyu yacht in real life, I somehow just quickly sorted. And then all the way at all I had a feeling that about something like this should be arranged little spaceship in the future.
Internal combustion engine. Left and right behind the walls - tanks with solarium. Total we we carry a little more than 4, 5 tons of fuel consumption of around 2, 5 liters per hour. Sup>
Control Panel Power sup>
I'll tell you a little about the engineering part and about life. Not that it's right hardcore IT-topic, but I think you will be interested. Especially about the opportunity to work online during this trip. Carefully, traffic
Port in Norway. Norwegians - one of the nations in the world traveling.
And here is how the day our boat with a displacement of 55 tons:
Almost at the geometric center of the vessel, directly under the wardroom is the internal combustion engine.
Near it puts a lot of subsystems related to nutrition. For example, a box with the inscription I pictured above - is one of the batteries, which will be needed in the moment when the boat is in avtonomke. Engine starts precisely from these batteries. They are also scattered power to the rest of the ship - the light in the cabins, communications, navigation computer and so on. In the wardroom there inverter 220 V, from which, among other things stick USB-connectors and a standard power outlet allows you to charge mobile and laptops. But abuse flight catering is not: as said container Glory "We run the engine, and he - HRRR! - But you iPhone is charged. " True, you can go sailing, but the wind will have a long wag tacks.
When the yacht is in the marina (in port at a special pier), food is taken from the "land". At this time "come alive" sockets in cabins, washing machine and so on. We have a special Russian incredibly long cable with different adapters:
Incredibly long - this is because the outlet at Marina paid. But they are paid on the day, and when the other boat sails away, food remains. You can walk 50 meters and find an empty slot with meals. At midnight it will turn off, but until then all will have time to charge their laptops, cell, washed in a special small washing machine and shave the muzzle face. Plus will be charged onboard batteries.
Just in case the yacht also has a small generator on the stern.
Here the captain keeps a log (on paper), listen to local news, weather watches and, more importantly, paving course. Computer screen navigator we pretty hendmeydovo duplicated on the deck, where it can be seen because of the wheel.
Here. Who is pretty deep. Deviation due, most likely, pitching.
Under the helm wheel - readout speed, depth and current course. The rate shown here relative to the water, so it is necessary to look at the true navigator screen on GPS - almost everywhere flow. Depth is also better to look here, and sailing directions, because if the wrong sensor catches the reflection from the sludge can be run aground and wait for the tide.
The yacht is able to autopilot and well kept course. Management in the sea is usually done buttons "plus-minus degrees" on the bottom figovina helm. The port and maneuvering - is the rotation of the wheel.
On top there is a satellite phone antenna, working with a group of "Iridium". This low satellites that allow easy bind even low-power devices. "Iridium" often need to query the weather. Captain picks up the phone "urban" about phone navigator's table and call the office in St. Petersburg. Asks weather and hangs up. The office can also call in and say something. For a month can go 15-30 thousand to communicate. Theoretically, it is possible to tie a regular dial-up modem, but it is incredible perversion.
There, on the deck of an emergency pod (which as a rescue capsule), primotat taped radio emergency communications, plus various small tool "dinghy" - inflatable boat landing. When the coast is not suitable yacht drops anchor, and "dinghy" is used as a shuttle.
That radio, live in it perfume Norwegians. Sticker on top «AlphaLimaTangoEchoRomeo EchoGolfOcean» - this is a mnemonic way to explain the English-speaking world our name.
Yes, some with rivets - a hatch on deck. It opens and closes like a drawer. Want to get out - imagine that you in your mailbox. Captain Dan was wont to close the hatch, even in hot weather - he was used to the cold Arctic expedition.
On the other side of the hatch - more sensors, analog, they are already on deck, they too can be seen from the wheel wheel:
Now let's look at how to live here at all.
That's galley
All utensils must be fixed to the plate so that's ears:
The cabins look like this:
Because fishaya they seem enormous, but in practice - almost like a train compartment.
This one sailor - latrine. Some in the early days of waiting fraternal embrace him. To make a proper feeding Ihtiandra, use the side of the pump - pump out the deed first, then pour the water again.
60 powerful strokes - and now no trace. Work with fanfare one much wanted, so we are on the coast, for example, the nearest hostel and went there. Given that Norway doors do not lock, even at night, and managed to examine the contents of the refrigerator, and photographed in the interior.
Clean water on a yacht in 1400 liters in a special bunker. Crockery in avtonomke clean seawater (pump at the sink) and then rinsed with potable water. In Norway, the water can be dialed from the tap and drink immediately, but the previous bunkering was in Ladoga, then in St. Petersburg, so we boiled water for safety. Shower takes water from the same tank. If there is an external power supply, a warm shower because the water heater.
Everything is kept in a closed cabinet or under a raised floor:
Rather, it is for me, he raised floor, but there are some special name. See dowel bars in the corner of a tree? It's not riveting, it handles - turned, pulled, tugged at her, opened without a "frog".
Everything that is, must be fixed to the case of pitching. That cup:
Accordingly, many closets, small space for the products, tools, and so forth. Finding the right product of habit becomes quite a challenge. Here, for example, a step in the galley, which is stored under water and vegetables. About the same hidden refrigerator.
And yet there is an attraction "Catch camera" when the captain decides to put a sail - a neighbor without a proper level of paranoia just left it on the bed.
Can I work? H4> In general, yes - but difficult. Internet in the sea no. With rare exceptions. First - this marina. It happens that there is no wall outlets, no water, no wi-fi. And sometimes - it all at once, even on the small island. Incidentally, the city on the island population of 750 people have full LTE-station and double ring supply - from local energy center on the gas, for example, and emergency diesel on the other end of town. Here Jung catches wi-fi at the marina:
Internal combustion engine. Left and right behind the walls - tanks with solarium. Total we we carry a little more than 4, 5 tons of fuel consumption of around 2, 5 liters per hour. Sup>
Control Panel Power sup>
I'll tell you a little about the engineering part and about life. Not that it's right hardcore IT-topic, but I think you will be interested. Especially about the opportunity to work online during this trip. Carefully, traffic
Port in Norway. Norwegians - one of the nations in the world traveling.
And here is how the day our boat with a displacement of 55 tons:
Almost at the geometric center of the vessel, directly under the wardroom is the internal combustion engine.
Near it puts a lot of subsystems related to nutrition. For example, a box with the inscription I pictured above - is one of the batteries, which will be needed in the moment when the boat is in avtonomke. Engine starts precisely from these batteries. They are also scattered power to the rest of the ship - the light in the cabins, communications, navigation computer and so on. In the wardroom there inverter 220 V, from which, among other things stick USB-connectors and a standard power outlet allows you to charge mobile and laptops. But abuse flight catering is not: as said container Glory "We run the engine, and he - HRRR! - But you iPhone is charged. " True, you can go sailing, but the wind will have a long wag tacks.
When the yacht is in the marina (in port at a special pier), food is taken from the "land". At this time "come alive" sockets in cabins, washing machine and so on. We have a special Russian incredibly long cable with different adapters:
Incredibly long - this is because the outlet at Marina paid. But they are paid on the day, and when the other boat sails away, food remains. You can walk 50 meters and find an empty slot with meals. At midnight it will turn off, but until then all will have time to charge their laptops, cell, washed in a special small washing machine and shave the muzzle face. Plus will be charged onboard batteries.
Just in case the yacht also has a small generator on the stern.
Here the captain keeps a log (on paper), listen to local news, weather watches and, more importantly, paving course. Computer screen navigator we pretty hendmeydovo duplicated on the deck, where it can be seen because of the wheel.
Here. Who is pretty deep. Deviation due, most likely, pitching.
Under the helm wheel - readout speed, depth and current course. The rate shown here relative to the water, so it is necessary to look at the true navigator screen on GPS - almost everywhere flow. Depth is also better to look here, and sailing directions, because if the wrong sensor catches the reflection from the sludge can be run aground and wait for the tide.
The yacht is able to autopilot and well kept course. Management in the sea is usually done buttons "plus-minus degrees" on the bottom figovina helm. The port and maneuvering - is the rotation of the wheel.
On top there is a satellite phone antenna, working with a group of "Iridium". This low satellites that allow easy bind even low-power devices. "Iridium" often need to query the weather. Captain picks up the phone "urban" about phone navigator's table and call the office in St. Petersburg. Asks weather and hangs up. The office can also call in and say something. For a month can go 15-30 thousand to communicate. Theoretically, it is possible to tie a regular dial-up modem, but it is incredible perversion.
There, on the deck of an emergency pod (which as a rescue capsule), primotat taped radio emergency communications, plus various small tool "dinghy" - inflatable boat landing. When the coast is not suitable yacht drops anchor, and "dinghy" is used as a shuttle.
That radio, live in it perfume Norwegians. Sticker on top «AlphaLimaTangoEchoRomeo EchoGolfOcean» - this is a mnemonic way to explain the English-speaking world our name.
Yes, some with rivets - a hatch on deck. It opens and closes like a drawer. Want to get out - imagine that you in your mailbox. Captain Dan was wont to close the hatch, even in hot weather - he was used to the cold Arctic expedition.
On the other side of the hatch - more sensors, analog, they are already on deck, they too can be seen from the wheel wheel:
Now let's look at how to live here at all.
That's galley
All utensils must be fixed to the plate so that's ears:
The cabins look like this:
Because fishaya they seem enormous, but in practice - almost like a train compartment.
This one sailor - latrine. Some in the early days of waiting fraternal embrace him. To make a proper feeding Ihtiandra, use the side of the pump - pump out the deed first, then pour the water again.
60 powerful strokes - and now no trace. Work with fanfare one much wanted, so we are on the coast, for example, the nearest hostel and went there. Given that Norway doors do not lock, even at night, and managed to examine the contents of the refrigerator, and photographed in the interior.
Clean water on a yacht in 1400 liters in a special bunker. Crockery in avtonomke clean seawater (pump at the sink) and then rinsed with potable water. In Norway, the water can be dialed from the tap and drink immediately, but the previous bunkering was in Ladoga, then in St. Petersburg, so we boiled water for safety. Shower takes water from the same tank. If there is an external power supply, a warm shower because the water heater.
Everything is kept in a closed cabinet or under a raised floor:
Rather, it is for me, he raised floor, but there are some special name. See dowel bars in the corner of a tree? It's not riveting, it handles - turned, pulled, tugged at her, opened without a "frog".
Everything that is, must be fixed to the case of pitching. That cup:
Accordingly, many closets, small space for the products, tools, and so forth. Finding the right product of habit becomes quite a challenge. Here, for example, a step in the galley, which is stored under water and vegetables. About the same hidden refrigerator.
And yet there is an attraction "Catch camera" when the captain decides to put a sail - a neighbor without a proper level of paranoia just left it on the bed.