Actors before and after make-up
Sometimes makeup drastically changing the face of our usual actors. In the continuation of the post take a look at the most successful, unusual and truly epic images. Many people simply can not be found! Enjoying a continuation under the cut post
Jennifer Lawrence
Nicole Kidman
Doug Jones
John Travolta
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hugh Grant
Ron Perlman
Linda Blair
Eddie Murphy
Johnny Depp
Emma Thompson
Ralph Fiennes
Heath Ledger
Jeff Goldblum
Charlize Theron
Danny DeVito
Jennifer Lawrence
Nicole Kidman
Doug Jones
John Travolta
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hugh Grant
Ron Perlman
Linda Blair
Eddie Murphy
Johnny Depp
Emma Thompson
Ralph Fiennes
Heath Ledger
Jeff Goldblum
Charlize Theron
Danny DeVito