Terms catering

Many of us work for 12-14 hours. I - 10. And you know, 10:00 run along the box office - not the best pastime.
Our company policy is that the guest is always right. We all day smiling at you, listen, offer snacks and collect orders as quickly as possible. And we're really asking at least try to see in us men and not to forget a few simple points.
First - hello, please. Very spoils the mood when, in response to a smile and a "Welcome" we hear "Two Sanders and Singer without sauce." After such a not particularly want to run to collect the order. Even a simple "hello" will accelerate our work, I guarantee that.
Second - speak clearly and loudly. Among us there are not many ninja who can hear the rustle of the blade, unsheathe a vociferous crowd or your whisper in the general hubbub. We are forced to because of that hand and leans over to ask again. Tilt and we get comments, and due to multiple revisions you also save time and patience.
The third - not besites when we offer you a "potatoes served with drinks, novinochki." It is our duty. Moreover, we can not remain silent when standing behind the manager or, God forgive me, the director. Of course, we do not yell in your ear about potatoes, if you are clearly in a hurry, or talking on the phone. If you take your time - say so, we are people too. We also have a short lunch break, we too late for the train and so on. We together can ask each other to yield a set of all potatoes or pouring drinks.
Fourth - do not be rude. And not "poke", even if in front of you 18-year-old lad, and you 48. Your age - not a reason to yell "why do I put so little potatoes ?!" My neighbor in the hand sent three letters when he asked, Pepsi 0, 5 or 0, 8. Guy dropped to stupor seconds 15. That including your time.
Fifth - read the menu, if something is not assured. Of course, we'll show - sets, and other compositions. But when a pretty lady asks "small Pepsi" and I pour it 0, 4, and ten minutes later, this vixen comes and sprays saliva, the entire food court shouting that that's sitting next to her boyfriend and drinking Pepsi even less, it is sorry, joy does not add.
The menu is written drink:
Large - 0, 8
Average - 0, 5
Small - 0, 4
Children - 0, 3
If you ask "even less", "very little" or "child", be sure to get a drink in the volume of 0, 3 liters. But "small" - is 0, 4.
Sixth - listen. Every time we repeat to you your order. If you nod, say "uh huh", "all right" or ignore us, we are going to collect the order. And do not be after payment and issue a check again sputter and yell, "Why then two pieces ?! I told two Cole-Slaw, do I say it is not clear ?! »
Yes, it is not clear, quiet, indistinct and check the order nor the ear or on the screen. Again, everything depends on the fact that you can not hear. Especially since you can not hear the end of the 12-hour working day. We are also tired.
Seventh - you have the right to call the manager or director, asked complaints book or cancel "fuck" the entire order. But compare their claims and the situation. We do not serve you for 3 minutes, if in the queue in front of you and every 3-4 gathering "with a" couple of basketball, a kilo of potatoes and other one and a half to two thousand. You have every right to write in the book of complaints about low speed of service. But after such a "feat" do not expect that your order will be personally collected out of the lineup and at supersonic speed. To you it's not every day bursting, sorry to the bathroom screaming "Come quickly liberate" knowing that you have, so to speak, problems with cross.
Eighth - "cashier" does not mean "master of money." We can mow you 2-3 rubles, if you clearly not enough. Prior to that, someone left us change and management does not see this. But when Mademoiselle with Shih varnish, new iPhones and fresh professional hair asks the most expensive burger "break out as one podeshevshe" - this, I am sorry, rudeness.
And nine - "small potatoes" - a true small potatoes. It must weigh 70 grams, 72 with the packaging. And do not require to fill this unfortunate bag of potatoes to failure. The same goes for ice cream. It makes no sense "to convict" us of cheating.
I have for now. Thank you for your attention and please note. Remember these unspoken rules and maximum pay attention to them his friends. Especially those who like quarreling. All beaver.
McAuley: Lonelywolfgirl