He was born at 16 weeks
"Talidomidnye children" - people born with deformities because their mothers receiving thalidomide
The influence of childbirth on the child's personality
I came back from Germany a couple of months ago, but the children don’t come and hardly call.
How is the Ukrainian mother of many children Leonor Nameni, who gave birth to more than 20 children
100-year-old teddy bear finally found his master
Children and gadgets of the past
The spiritual connection to their native
Children who are raised animals
Special force inherent in man: Power Rod
The spiritual link with their native
"Talidomidnye children" - people born with deformities because their mothers receiving thalidomide
The influence of childbirth on the child's personality
I came back from Germany a couple of months ago, but the children don’t come and hardly call.
How is the Ukrainian mother of many children Leonor Nameni, who gave birth to more than 20 children
100-year-old teddy bear finally found his master
Children and gadgets of the past
The spiritual connection to their native
Children who are raised animals
Special force inherent in man: Power Rod
The spiritual link with their native
Knead gray matter
Artifacts Soviet times-2