Spanish and Portuguese called them "apple of Peru", the Italians - "Golden Apple", and the French - "love apples." On the question of how many there are varieties of tomatoes, difficult to answer even the experts.
Catherine, you were right!
In Russia, the tomatoes first appeared in 1870. Commissioned by Catherine the Great, they were delivered from Paris with ambassadorial mission. More than a hundred years our ancestors needed to firmly state: Tomatoes on the Russian table - be!
The great merit in the dissemination of tomatoes in our country belongs to the famous agronomist Andrew Timofeevichu Bolotovu. It is thanks to him that the tomatoes have become successfully grow and harvest them here please "taught" Efim A. Grachev. In his collection can be found plum "Victoria" and "King Humbert" fluffy "Peach" dwarf "Tom Tomb", "incomparable" and "Dolgohranyaschiesya».
Incidentally, one of the most popular varieties dolgohranyaschihsya today is "Long Keeper" (English «long keeper» and literally means "long-lasting product"). At room temperature, the fruits are within two months, and in special circumstances, for example, in a cool and dry cellar - until March or April. So to celebrate New Year with tomatoes from their own garden - no problem!
"Stick" without Christmas trees
With its six hundredth many people want to gather as much of the crop. Make it easy to sort kudryavolistnym «Stick Tomato» or in Russian "Tomato handle." People sort of got the unromantic name "Sticks" because of the fact that the stem of each plant leaves little unusual. The variety was bred by US farmers in 1958. Putting these tomatoes can be every 20 centimeters, it is not necessary to pinch and thus it is possible to gather a great harvest.
Another superurozhayny grade - «Mortgage Lifter Yellow» - called American legend. Grow them began a farmer Charlie nicknamed "Radiator". Large fruit, excellent taste and variety superurozhaynost allowed to earn national recognition. Charlie became yet another embodiment of the American dream. "Lifting" (from the English. «Lifter) tomatoes enable any farmer workaholic put together a good capital.
Was love - wilted tomatoes
For a long time in Europe, tomatoes were considered poisonous. They are grown exclusively as an ornamental plant, decorating window sills and greenhouses. It is often in greenhouses in love is dating: girls flowers tomatoes attached to the board, showing its location to the chosen one, and young people were treated to red ladies "love apples", symbolizing passionate feelings. Blossoming tomatoes, fruits were broken, and with it, often, completion and relationships. So, probably, and there was a saying: "The past is the love - wilted tomatoes».
"Early Love", "rosy cheeks", "Tsunami" - the names of these hybrid varieties of tomatoes pink evoke romantic thoughts. Gardeners confidently choose "love" grade because of their unpretentiousness and high yield.
Brain Explosion!
"Reystomaty", "Journey from Transylvania", "Voyage", "Garlic" - all these are different names for the class - perhaps the most amazing in the world. Each fruit is grown together hundreds of mini tomatoes, so to find two identical tomato is simply impossible. The most intricate configuration are usually the first harvest of the fruits, while in the most caring owners mass of each, sometimes reaches a kilogram. Reystomat, which is popularly dubbed "Tomatomozgom" You can not cut and break into slices and enjoy excellent juicy flesh.
"Space" taste!
Increasing the number of varieties of the popular vegetable is not only a result of agro-breeding. Amateur gardeners do not sit idly by. Annually selecting the best "representatives" of crops and creating ideal conditions for growing, it is possible to obtain more and more new varieties superpomidorov. One of these is undoubtedly the "Cosmonaut Volkov" - popularly beloved for several decades grade. Giant tomato was bred engineer on Space Technology Igor M. Maslov, who, after retirement, became interested in gardening. Developed a unique method of Maslov allows you to receive up to 70 kilograms of tomatoes from one bush. Superurozhaynost "Cosmonaut Volkov" - is not the only advantage of the variety. Exceptional taste - that's what really appreciated in the product with the "cosmic" name.
Catherine, you were right!

In Russia, the tomatoes first appeared in 1870. Commissioned by Catherine the Great, they were delivered from Paris with ambassadorial mission. More than a hundred years our ancestors needed to firmly state: Tomatoes on the Russian table - be!
The great merit in the dissemination of tomatoes in our country belongs to the famous agronomist Andrew Timofeevichu Bolotovu. It is thanks to him that the tomatoes have become successfully grow and harvest them here please "taught" Efim A. Grachev. In his collection can be found plum "Victoria" and "King Humbert" fluffy "Peach" dwarf "Tom Tomb", "incomparable" and "Dolgohranyaschiesya».
Incidentally, one of the most popular varieties dolgohranyaschihsya today is "Long Keeper" (English «long keeper» and literally means "long-lasting product"). At room temperature, the fruits are within two months, and in special circumstances, for example, in a cool and dry cellar - until March or April. So to celebrate New Year with tomatoes from their own garden - no problem!
"Stick" without Christmas trees

With its six hundredth many people want to gather as much of the crop. Make it easy to sort kudryavolistnym «Stick Tomato» or in Russian "Tomato handle." People sort of got the unromantic name "Sticks" because of the fact that the stem of each plant leaves little unusual. The variety was bred by US farmers in 1958. Putting these tomatoes can be every 20 centimeters, it is not necessary to pinch and thus it is possible to gather a great harvest.
Another superurozhayny grade - «Mortgage Lifter Yellow» - called American legend. Grow them began a farmer Charlie nicknamed "Radiator". Large fruit, excellent taste and variety superurozhaynost allowed to earn national recognition. Charlie became yet another embodiment of the American dream. "Lifting" (from the English. «Lifter) tomatoes enable any farmer workaholic put together a good capital.
Was love - wilted tomatoes

For a long time in Europe, tomatoes were considered poisonous. They are grown exclusively as an ornamental plant, decorating window sills and greenhouses. It is often in greenhouses in love is dating: girls flowers tomatoes attached to the board, showing its location to the chosen one, and young people were treated to red ladies "love apples", symbolizing passionate feelings. Blossoming tomatoes, fruits were broken, and with it, often, completion and relationships. So, probably, and there was a saying: "The past is the love - wilted tomatoes».
"Early Love", "rosy cheeks", "Tsunami" - the names of these hybrid varieties of tomatoes pink evoke romantic thoughts. Gardeners confidently choose "love" grade because of their unpretentiousness and high yield.
Brain Explosion!

"Reystomaty", "Journey from Transylvania", "Voyage", "Garlic" - all these are different names for the class - perhaps the most amazing in the world. Each fruit is grown together hundreds of mini tomatoes, so to find two identical tomato is simply impossible. The most intricate configuration are usually the first harvest of the fruits, while in the most caring owners mass of each, sometimes reaches a kilogram. Reystomat, which is popularly dubbed "Tomatomozgom" You can not cut and break into slices and enjoy excellent juicy flesh.
"Space" taste!

Increasing the number of varieties of the popular vegetable is not only a result of agro-breeding. Amateur gardeners do not sit idly by. Annually selecting the best "representatives" of crops and creating ideal conditions for growing, it is possible to obtain more and more new varieties superpomidorov. One of these is undoubtedly the "Cosmonaut Volkov" - popularly beloved for several decades grade. Giant tomato was bred engineer on Space Technology Igor M. Maslov, who, after retirement, became interested in gardening. Developed a unique method of Maslov allows you to receive up to 70 kilograms of tomatoes from one bush. Superurozhaynost "Cosmonaut Volkov" - is not the only advantage of the variety. Exceptional taste - that's what really appreciated in the product with the "cosmic" name.