Landing a man on the moon 45 years

The same flag that gave rise to a bunch of fantasy conspiracy theorists, indicates, by its bias, to "flag fluttering in the wind in a vacuum." But we know ... i>
Yes, today, July 20 - the anniversary of the non-circular landing on Earth's natural satellite. Landing a man on the Moon occurred July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC.
Successful landing on the moon carried crew & quot; Аполлон-11", rather, the two crew members who went to the moon with 'Apollo' on the lander. Actually, we all know who first stepped onto the moon's surface: this man was Neil Armstrong. Landing area - south-western part of the Sea of Tranquility. By the way, the astronauts on the moon, not only walked, but went though and could fly .
After this five more times people landed on the lunar surface during the period from 1969 to 1972. After that, the moon program was forgotten, as claimed, due to the fact that the US taxpayers quickly bored gray lunar landscapes, more interesting was baseball. Accordingly, the funds that were previously allowed to develop exploration of the Moon, had to put in a different direction, closer to taxpayers, those opposed huge costs of the lunar program. However, many overlook the fact that the operating time of the lunar program (and the entire space program of the USSR / USA in general), and there were a huge number - technical innovation, new materials, new devices have become the basis for further technological breakthrough, the consequences of which we feel until now.
Other states did not send his expedition to the moon, for the most part, due to the fact that the funds required enormous lunar travel (US and USSR during the space race was almost "overstrained" in economic terms) and the real benefits are not brought to travel (except for purely research results).
Now, some experts argue that it would be better then a man and did not fly to the moon, because right now would be after the landing on the moon, we could already build a research station, although small. And if the technology does not allow you to implement robust project lunar settlements / stations.
After a long period of neglect of the Moon again remembered, though at the same NASA's Mars is a top priority. But now other countries have expressed interest in the study of the Moon, including, for example, China, which sent its own lunar rover. He showed himself quite interesting results, though "frozen" since February this year .
Whatever it was, landing a man on the moon - a great achievement in science, technology and society.
I wish that we will soon see, and the first landing on Mars. Before that, I suppose, is not far.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/230465/