Careless and charming
Jason Statham
Retroseksual knows exactly how to solve any problem. Next to it you just have nothing to fear! In his house did not find any crooked shelves nailed or - especially - bored nail, because in the days when there is no need to save the world, he takes up the hammer and brings the family home to immaculate condition.
Adriano Celentano
Retroseksuala and so did not catch the pivoting front of the mirror, but when he turns 30, he finally loses interest in fashion. Fortunately, at this age he can decide his style. How to learn it? Retroseksual does not like to wear ties, but manages to tie them than secretly proud. He's not buying up the mountain face creams, hand and foot, being content with one, but the most essential moisturizers. In general, he just need caring female hands.
Gerard Butler
Extremely cynical and incredibly witty - this can not be called retroseksuala talker! On the contrary, he is laconic, and if they say, it is always the case. Retroseksual rather intelligent listener and counselor than chatty fellow-whisperer.
Javier Bardem
Retroseksual passionate about football, boxing, fishing, hunting, cars and cigars - in short, everything that is not always close and understandable woman. And it is not in the desire to seem more manly, just feel it is important to the hunter, even if it has long caught his prey and is preparing to celebrate her silver wedding.
Read more: lady.tut.by/news/stars/406542.html
Jean Reno
Retroseksual know how to use firearms and are not afraid to do that. He knows by heart the anthem of his country, and does not hesitate to stand up during its execution.
John Travolta
As the man said, so be it. Retroseksual not banging his fist on the table, not asking for breaking dishes, not screaming and stomping their feet - in general, it will not compete with you in skill hysterics. His calm and confident tone better than any argument tells the woman how to behave.
Bruce Willis
Retroseksualy not cry. Movies, TV shows, commercials - nothing can squeeze out a tear from the eyes of men. Perhaps the only thing that could make him cry - the loss of their favorite team. However, in this case, start the console or cursed at the TV.
Daniel Craig
He is always open before the door, and the woman gave her a place. But the elevator will go first, as recommended by the long forgotten metrosexual etiquette. And all this because retroseksual knows: any woman - being fragile, deserving of care, protection and timid manners.
Gerard Depardieu
This type of man chooses only groomed little extravagant women having an opinion. Happy darling retroseksuala not necessarily be the owner of the three higher education, but it certainly should be able to maintain a conversation.
Hugh Jackman
Bohemian life alien to him, but for the sake of the woman he loved, he is ready to try on a tuxedo. It can truly be "home", but will not refuse to spend an evening in the company of old friends. Although still in the noisy company retroseksual rather observer than active participant actions. But the main thing - to him a woman feels like a stone wall!
Source: lady.tut.by
Retroseksual knows exactly how to solve any problem. Next to it you just have nothing to fear! In his house did not find any crooked shelves nailed or - especially - bored nail, because in the days when there is no need to save the world, he takes up the hammer and brings the family home to immaculate condition.

Adriano Celentano
Retroseksuala and so did not catch the pivoting front of the mirror, but when he turns 30, he finally loses interest in fashion. Fortunately, at this age he can decide his style. How to learn it? Retroseksual does not like to wear ties, but manages to tie them than secretly proud. He's not buying up the mountain face creams, hand and foot, being content with one, but the most essential moisturizers. In general, he just need caring female hands.

Gerard Butler
Extremely cynical and incredibly witty - this can not be called retroseksuala talker! On the contrary, he is laconic, and if they say, it is always the case. Retroseksual rather intelligent listener and counselor than chatty fellow-whisperer.

Javier Bardem
Retroseksual passionate about football, boxing, fishing, hunting, cars and cigars - in short, everything that is not always close and understandable woman. And it is not in the desire to seem more manly, just feel it is important to the hunter, even if it has long caught his prey and is preparing to celebrate her silver wedding.
Read more: lady.tut.by/news/stars/406542.html

Jean Reno
Retroseksual know how to use firearms and are not afraid to do that. He knows by heart the anthem of his country, and does not hesitate to stand up during its execution.

John Travolta
As the man said, so be it. Retroseksual not banging his fist on the table, not asking for breaking dishes, not screaming and stomping their feet - in general, it will not compete with you in skill hysterics. His calm and confident tone better than any argument tells the woman how to behave.

Bruce Willis
Retroseksualy not cry. Movies, TV shows, commercials - nothing can squeeze out a tear from the eyes of men. Perhaps the only thing that could make him cry - the loss of their favorite team. However, in this case, start the console or cursed at the TV.

Daniel Craig
He is always open before the door, and the woman gave her a place. But the elevator will go first, as recommended by the long forgotten metrosexual etiquette. And all this because retroseksual knows: any woman - being fragile, deserving of care, protection and timid manners.

Gerard Depardieu
This type of man chooses only groomed little extravagant women having an opinion. Happy darling retroseksuala not necessarily be the owner of the three higher education, but it certainly should be able to maintain a conversation.

Hugh Jackman
Bohemian life alien to him, but for the sake of the woman he loved, he is ready to try on a tuxedo. It can truly be "home", but will not refuse to spend an evening in the company of old friends. Although still in the noisy company retroseksual rather observer than active participant actions. But the main thing - to him a woman feels like a stone wall!

Source: lady.tut.by