As I left the house

I took this statement seriously and decided that rather go to my grandmother to live than in the trash. Began collecting brother joined, and my mother a little calmer, watching this. Then my father came home from work and my mother called him into the kitchen to tell all. I easily guessed that soon I nastuchat on zhopku and decided that this is the best time to get away. Along the way, taking 2 tangerines, brother and 20 rubles, I'm gone.
While we were heading to the village, the parents woke up. How do they happen? Everything is simple. I pzdts as afraid of the dark (and now I possykivayu) and they were sure that I'm not going anywhere. In general, once noticed missing father barefoot examined all five floors and a courtyard, returned home with the phrase: - "I will return". Father began to call on the police work. Immediately joined mom, and within 30 minutes had been raised to the ears of all the relatives, friends and the police. We were looking at all the slides, playgrounds, schools, etc.
The village was about 15 miles from us, and out of town. But I did not care. We have already entered the roundabout, where to stay gazelki. From there, a man came out and asked what we were doing. I, as the chief explained everything and he asked me if I knew the way, we drove. Thank God got such a good person, or submit scary that would be. We met Ofigevshy grandmother. The man said that your son is a scoundrel such chased children left. Grandma ran to a neighbor who had a phone and began to call her parents. When the father arrived, his grandmother nearly severed. Noticing that his father's hands are shaking, she invited him to his house.
In general, drove us home. Brother ran sobbing mother in his arms, and I with a serious face and insulted went into the room. This I recall to this day. In fact, the history of scary. In the winter, two children had left home. Evening. This story, one of those who remember every holiday.
P.S. Houses brother gave a brilliant phrase.
- If I took the sled, we got faster. And then I walk slowly and Andrew was awkward.
P.S.S. Sorry for the error. I am sure they have)
Source: pikabu.ru