Adventures of real men

In the wake of post-war recovery in the economy and the mood of Americans in the United States began to develop into men's fashion and adventure magazines, the number of names that at the time of the fulfillment of its peak in the late 1950s reached about 130 pieces.
The most famous of them were so loud and expressive titles like «For men ounly», «Male», «True men», «Stag», «Man's life», «Adventure» and the like.
The main content of these magazines were not very plausible, but the sinister stories about the adventures of these men - especially in the war against the insidious communists and their henchmen from the Third World.

Stories of this kind is usually combined with a lot of illustrations, executed in the style of pin-up (from English to pin up - «pinning", ie, the original so-called posters with half-naked girls, designed to togoyu to soldiers pinned their buttons to the walls of the barracks ).
The creation of the illustrations on the theme of "war on Russian" for magazines of the time engaged in a large number of American artists, including the very well-known in the United States.


See also

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