Creepy Railways of South America

The photographs taken of the train, mostly serving mines and through courage and perseverance of the photographer we have the opportunity to see these amazing views and wonderful scenery.

In one shot, two trains traveling on a perfectly smooth slope of the mountain.
Jean-Marc Fluburg says: "I started taking pictures when he was a boy. I always photographed and began training with the help of serious photography cameras in 1972, when I was 11 or 12 years ».

Risky Business: Train sent down the hill from Potrerillos smelter with tanks of sulfuric acid.

The train goes to the copper mines of Cerro de Pasco near Lake Chinchaykocha in Junin (Peru).

Mining method: Famous Bridge Infernillo filmed from above near San Mateo, Peru.

Locomotive engineer is heavy freight train on the steep slopes of the Andes.

Train with cargo tanks with sulfuric acid travels down from the plant Potrerillos near Diego de Almagro in Chile.

Steam locomotive hurtling along the foothills of the Andes in Chile.

Great Railways of South America.

Freight train carries copper ore in Peru.

Source: grimnir74.livejournal.com