Today's celebrities and their historical counterparts
Millard Fillmore and Alec Baldwin
Spanish King Philip IV and Mark Zuckerberg.
Drown John and Charlie Sheen.
Socrates and Anthony Hopkins.
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rose Wilder Lunt.
Paul Revere and Jack Black.
Louis XII and Vladimir Putin.
Bill Bailey and Thomas Hobbes.
Joseph Pulitzer and Dustin Diamond.
Monet and Keanu Reeves.
Nicolas Cage and Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico
unknown counterpart John Travolta
Judy Zipper and Leonardo DiCaprio
Douglas MacArthur, the hero of World War II, and Bruce Willis
Eddie Murphy and his counterpart in the early 20th century
Nicolae Grigorescu (romanian painter) and Orlando Bloom
Peter Dinklage and court jester Don Sebastian de Morra.
Jay-Z and his unknown twin
Pope Gregory IX and Sylvester Stallone
Brad Pitt and Gen. Isaac Stevens
Swiss scientist and psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach
Oscar Wilde and actor Hugh Grant
The Roman Emperor Alexander Severus and Eminem
Shia LaBeouf and Albert Einstein
Ellen DeGeneres and Henry David Thoreau, American writer.
Glenn Close and George Washington
Source: thechive.com
Spanish King Philip IV and Mark Zuckerberg.
Drown John and Charlie Sheen.
Socrates and Anthony Hopkins.
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rose Wilder Lunt.
Paul Revere and Jack Black.
Louis XII and Vladimir Putin.
Bill Bailey and Thomas Hobbes.
Joseph Pulitzer and Dustin Diamond.
Monet and Keanu Reeves.
Nicolas Cage and Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico
unknown counterpart John Travolta
Judy Zipper and Leonardo DiCaprio
Douglas MacArthur, the hero of World War II, and Bruce Willis
Eddie Murphy and his counterpart in the early 20th century
Nicolae Grigorescu (romanian painter) and Orlando Bloom
Peter Dinklage and court jester Don Sebastian de Morra.
Jay-Z and his unknown twin
Pope Gregory IX and Sylvester Stallone
Brad Pitt and Gen. Isaac Stevens
Swiss scientist and psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach
Oscar Wilde and actor Hugh Grant
The Roman Emperor Alexander Severus and Eminem
Shia LaBeouf and Albert Einstein
Ellen DeGeneres and Henry David Thoreau, American writer.
Glenn Close and George Washington
Source: thechive.com