Zrmanja. Nice and clean
Zrmanja is considered one of the cleanest rivers of the European continent, it is located in northern Dalmatia near Mount Velebit. The river Zrmanja is relatively small and is equal to sixty-nine kilometers.
River captivates with its beauty both tourists and locals alike, it is decorated with picturesque canyons and noisy waterfalls, among which can be distinguished Great beech, having a height of eleven meters. Zrmanja different crystal clear water, many consider this the most beautiful river in Croatia.
In late April, in the waters of the river traditionally gather rafting - Regatta, glorified this karst river in Europe. Regatta usually lasts for two days and the descent on rafts occurs within two to three hours.
But apart from the race on the banks of the Zrmanja you can find a lot of different entertainment. Tourists are offered a fascinating excursion routes for them to organize interesting professional seminars on karst and speleological objects, as well as the flora and fauna of this vibrant natural attractions of Croatia.
In every season of the year the river Zrmanja in its own beautiful, in April it being noisy and overflowing, attracting many rafting. In late spring the river calms down, it is a great place for a relaxing swim, bewitching travelers for its scenery.
In the upper and middle reaches of the river to see the numerous rapids, past the twelve kilometers of water surface adapted for navigation.
It should be noted that the source of the river is located near the village of Zrmanja Vrelo, she falls in Novigrad Sea, known as the Bay of the Adriatic Sea.

River captivates with its beauty both tourists and locals alike, it is decorated with picturesque canyons and noisy waterfalls, among which can be distinguished Great beech, having a height of eleven meters. Zrmanja different crystal clear water, many consider this the most beautiful river in Croatia.

In late April, in the waters of the river traditionally gather rafting - Regatta, glorified this karst river in Europe. Regatta usually lasts for two days and the descent on rafts occurs within two to three hours.

But apart from the race on the banks of the Zrmanja you can find a lot of different entertainment. Tourists are offered a fascinating excursion routes for them to organize interesting professional seminars on karst and speleological objects, as well as the flora and fauna of this vibrant natural attractions of Croatia.

In every season of the year the river Zrmanja in its own beautiful, in April it being noisy and overflowing, attracting many rafting. In late spring the river calms down, it is a great place for a relaxing swim, bewitching travelers for its scenery.

In the upper and middle reaches of the river to see the numerous rapids, past the twelve kilometers of water surface adapted for navigation.

It should be noted that the source of the river is located near the village of Zrmanja Vrelo, she falls in Novigrad Sea, known as the Bay of the Adriatic Sea.