Dell announces boycott of all in the sphere of public services
We repeatedly introduces you to the IT-infrastructure of a variety of organizations, ranging from online shops to large research centers and even hospitals. But it's time to up the ante and look into the backstage is much more relevant to a mere mortal (and especially Russian) sphere of human activity. That of which the majority of you prefer not to think once again, but sometimes you have to.
So today we are happy to tell you about how to apply high technology in the field of public services that make life easier, saving time and even nerves.
Use the services offered to us in the state of medicine, education, housing, etc., falls to each of us, regardless of where they live. The trouble is that the number of documents that we need from time to time to make out, is growing steadily, and entangled in all this bureaucratic commotion can literally out of the blue. Sometimes one gets the impression that the workers passport offices and reception do not know what you need to prepare for a particular document, so that visiting state institutions for us equivalent to the local scale disaster.
It is not surprising that recently started to appear on the market alternative directions of public services. A case in point is about hateful single point of entry into the world of certificates and documents - information and software package that helps you quickly (as possible) and without super efforts to take advantage of the services provided by the state. Such complexes are now being introduced everywhere, and therefore doubly interesting as implemented to work in them. As an illustration, take the so-called multifunctional centers providing state and municipal services (MFC) in St. Petersburg .
MFC began to appear in St. Petersburg in 2009, after the administrative reform. If interested, their activity is regulated by 210-FZ "On the organization providing state and municipal services "from 27.07.2010 . I must admit that Northern capital has become one of the leaders in the country in the number of MFC, and all thanks to the active work of the governor's administration. Today St. Petersburg centers provide about 260 public services in social, housing, municipal and other areas. In short, through them, you can arrange, for example, child benefit, CHI policy, get a statement from the Russian State Register, register of real property rights, and even replace the passport.
It is hardly necessary to explain in detail why we need such centers. Who wants to run on different instances, to queue multiple time off from work, without knowing exactly succeed today to get the right room and get the right help? Study in detail the list of services, which is ready to provide the MFC, you can at the appropriate agencies, there are lists of all the necessary documents. All services are conveniently grouped by areas, the subjects (for nat. And jur. Of persons), and that it is important for the situation. Having found it needs a service, the user can also get acquainted with the options for solving the problem - for example, apply directly to the MFC or give preference to electronic document creation. User Response while accompanied by detailed description of his actions and their sequence.
The principle of "single window" speeds up and simplifies the standard procedure for obtaining services (no need to run to the passport office, then the tax, then the housing office - everything is made in one place). All that is required from the designer - to prepare the base package of the documents mentioned in the description, and see a specialist of the Center. Well, or to no contact and arrange over the Internet, appearing in only institution in the last stage.
There is another important point: like it or not, and this approach minimizes the communication with the applicant's official. And it is not in misanthropy, as someone might think, and that the acceptance of a bribe in such conditions is not too much of a chance. Not that MFC contributed to the total eradication of corruption in public services, but still not make the problem so acute.
From the beginning of the project, of course, had its own difficulties. Let's start with the fact that at the time of the opening of the first centers in St. Petersburg, MFC existed only in a few regions of the Russian Federation. Experience and achievements were virtually absent, had to start from scratch and move forward through trial and error. Hire and train staff, too, was not so easy, because the specialist is obliged to MFC understand all the 260 services that the center provides the public. But there is a silver lining, and for the past few years, Russia has a new profession - a specialist of "single window", requiring high skills, responsibility and care.
Not without technical difficulties. It was necessary to find suitable premises, secure communications channels, select the hardware that was to set up and maintain in the future the job information center. And here we are, not without pride we announce that after careful consideration of possible options chosen in favor of the equipment Dell. Our tech support experts will gladly provide advice on MFC proposed equipment, and they, in turn, liked our warranty conditions. For example, in case of any abnormal situation, the technical experts of the center could interfere with the work on their own servers, without waiting for the arrival of engineers Dell. And guarantees in such cases continued to operate.
With regard to the practical implementation of IT-infrastructure, here the choice was made in favor of Microsoft. Starting from Active Directory, web-services, all major services institutions, Exchange, and ending directly by the portal to SharePoint. If we talk about the "hardware", then in each MFC is set at least one server Dell PowerEdge R710 a > intended for the basic service and the production database. In addition, for the needs of the office used by PowerEdge R610 . On it, and also connected to the storage array it PowerVault MD1200 , records all changes in profiles. Immediately deployed to the global catalog AD, print-server backups are kept methodical recommendations and so on. This approach allows us to avoid critical failures in the event of loss of communication with the head office - the basic services that are involved with the work, continue to work through local servers. In this respect, the system is tuned for maximum backup and round the clock availability.
All operational information is stored centrally in a single repository, which includes the rack Powervault MD1200, where subsequently copied to the central administration for the analysis and processing. With this implementation provides almost 100% secure storage of the working data. All operations related to configuring resources, including system deployment, software updates, hardware configuration and diagnostics on a server equipment at remote sites, carried out with the help of Dell OpenManage. This allows you to keep track of all the changes in equipment, schedule routine maintenance and warranty work, and thus also save on maintenance.
MFC is now working in emergency mode: Petrograd did not take long to appreciate the convenience of such a system. For example, in just one 2013 service centers use more 2 million times, and greatly contributed to this opportunity to register through them of the right to property and the relevant transaction. It is ridiculous to say, but in MFC even began to appear queue for the fight which they were created. Eliminate them going, opening new centers in addition to the existing forty. The plans of the administration of the city until the end of next year to open the windows of about 1,000 receiving / delivery of documents and reduce the waiting time to 15 minutes. In this mechanism will be further developed in parallel processing of documents in electronic form - so that most of the services can be obtained, almost getting up from the computer.
Well, let's see what happens. But, in any case, a start, and we are pleased to be involved to ensure that it is our life became a little more comfortable.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/dell/blog/225799/
So today we are happy to tell you about how to apply high technology in the field of public services that make life easier, saving time and even nerves.
Use the services offered to us in the state of medicine, education, housing, etc., falls to each of us, regardless of where they live. The trouble is that the number of documents that we need from time to time to make out, is growing steadily, and entangled in all this bureaucratic commotion can literally out of the blue. Sometimes one gets the impression that the workers passport offices and reception do not know what you need to prepare for a particular document, so that visiting state institutions for us equivalent to the local scale disaster.
It is not surprising that recently started to appear on the market alternative directions of public services. A case in point is about hateful single point of entry into the world of certificates and documents - information and software package that helps you quickly (as possible) and without super efforts to take advantage of the services provided by the state. Such complexes are now being introduced everywhere, and therefore doubly interesting as implemented to work in them. As an illustration, take the so-called multifunctional centers providing state and municipal services (MFC) in St. Petersburg .
MFC began to appear in St. Petersburg in 2009, after the administrative reform. If interested, their activity is regulated by 210-FZ "On the organization providing state and municipal services "from 27.07.2010 . I must admit that Northern capital has become one of the leaders in the country in the number of MFC, and all thanks to the active work of the governor's administration. Today St. Petersburg centers provide about 260 public services in social, housing, municipal and other areas. In short, through them, you can arrange, for example, child benefit, CHI policy, get a statement from the Russian State Register, register of real property rights, and even replace the passport.
It is hardly necessary to explain in detail why we need such centers. Who wants to run on different instances, to queue multiple time off from work, without knowing exactly succeed today to get the right room and get the right help? Study in detail the list of services, which is ready to provide the MFC, you can at the appropriate agencies, there are lists of all the necessary documents. All services are conveniently grouped by areas, the subjects (for nat. And jur. Of persons), and that it is important for the situation. Having found it needs a service, the user can also get acquainted with the options for solving the problem - for example, apply directly to the MFC or give preference to electronic document creation. User Response while accompanied by detailed description of his actions and their sequence.
The principle of "single window" speeds up and simplifies the standard procedure for obtaining services (no need to run to the passport office, then the tax, then the housing office - everything is made in one place). All that is required from the designer - to prepare the base package of the documents mentioned in the description, and see a specialist of the Center. Well, or to no contact and arrange over the Internet, appearing in only institution in the last stage.
There is another important point: like it or not, and this approach minimizes the communication with the applicant's official. And it is not in misanthropy, as someone might think, and that the acceptance of a bribe in such conditions is not too much of a chance. Not that MFC contributed to the total eradication of corruption in public services, but still not make the problem so acute.
From the beginning of the project, of course, had its own difficulties. Let's start with the fact that at the time of the opening of the first centers in St. Petersburg, MFC existed only in a few regions of the Russian Federation. Experience and achievements were virtually absent, had to start from scratch and move forward through trial and error. Hire and train staff, too, was not so easy, because the specialist is obliged to MFC understand all the 260 services that the center provides the public. But there is a silver lining, and for the past few years, Russia has a new profession - a specialist of "single window", requiring high skills, responsibility and care.
Not without technical difficulties. It was necessary to find suitable premises, secure communications channels, select the hardware that was to set up and maintain in the future the job information center. And here we are, not without pride we announce that after careful consideration of possible options chosen in favor of the equipment Dell. Our tech support experts will gladly provide advice on MFC proposed equipment, and they, in turn, liked our warranty conditions. For example, in case of any abnormal situation, the technical experts of the center could interfere with the work on their own servers, without waiting for the arrival of engineers Dell. And guarantees in such cases continued to operate.

With regard to the practical implementation of IT-infrastructure, here the choice was made in favor of Microsoft. Starting from Active Directory, web-services, all major services institutions, Exchange, and ending directly by the portal to SharePoint. If we talk about the "hardware", then in each MFC is set at least one server Dell PowerEdge R710 a > intended for the basic service and the production database. In addition, for the needs of the office used by PowerEdge R610 . On it, and also connected to the storage array it PowerVault MD1200 , records all changes in profiles. Immediately deployed to the global catalog AD, print-server backups are kept methodical recommendations and so on. This approach allows us to avoid critical failures in the event of loss of communication with the head office - the basic services that are involved with the work, continue to work through local servers. In this respect, the system is tuned for maximum backup and round the clock availability.
All operational information is stored centrally in a single repository, which includes the rack Powervault MD1200, where subsequently copied to the central administration for the analysis and processing. With this implementation provides almost 100% secure storage of the working data. All operations related to configuring resources, including system deployment, software updates, hardware configuration and diagnostics on a server equipment at remote sites, carried out with the help of Dell OpenManage. This allows you to keep track of all the changes in equipment, schedule routine maintenance and warranty work, and thus also save on maintenance.
MFC is now working in emergency mode: Petrograd did not take long to appreciate the convenience of such a system. For example, in just one 2013 service centers use more 2 million times, and greatly contributed to this opportunity to register through them of the right to property and the relevant transaction. It is ridiculous to say, but in MFC even began to appear queue for the fight which they were created. Eliminate them going, opening new centers in addition to the existing forty. The plans of the administration of the city until the end of next year to open the windows of about 1,000 receiving / delivery of documents and reduce the waiting time to 15 minutes. In this mechanism will be further developed in parallel processing of documents in electronic form - so that most of the services can be obtained, almost getting up from the computer.
Well, let's see what happens. But, in any case, a start, and we are pleased to be involved to ensure that it is our life became a little more comfortable.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/dell/blog/225799/