Suicidal entertainment

Extreme fun Indian teenagers who want to tickle your nerves, bordered by suicide. Group of guys lined up at the railway bridge, waiting for approaching trains, to determine the most smelogo.

Entertain teenagers were spotted on the tracks of the railway bridge in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. As you approach moving at high speed trains, they line up on the rails and, waiting for the train approach them closely, jumping from a bridge in an open-sided turbulent waters of the river Gomti, flowing under nim.

Young people gather on the bridge every day at noon, when the temperature rises to 45 degrees Celsius unbearable. Standing on the tracks, they are often waiting for the moment when the train they will be separated by only a few meters, thereby determining the bravest. As you can guess, he is the one who last jumping from the bridge into the refreshing water reki.

Source: mirfactov.com/