10 books, after which you'll never be the same

1. Carlos Castaneda - "The Teachings of Don Juan»
In his books, Carlos Castaneda describes training with Juan Matus - the magician, the representative of the ancient shamanic knowledge. Man, in his conception, not passively accept a ready-made picture of the external and internal environment, but his perception actively interprets energy signals, which are full of the universe, constructing a model of the world (usually received for the world itself). The implication is that, no matter how inadequate any human knowledge, it is limited.
2. Albert Camus - "The Fall»
The primary goal of Camus is to lead the reader to the conclusion that life is completely absurd.
In the eulogy, Jean-Paul Sartre described the novel as "perhaps the most beautiful and least understood" book Camus.
3. Leopold von Sacher-Masoch - "Venus in Furs»
Romance - Revolution, the novel - the story. Secret desires of men, hidden power of women, their frenzied communication and enjoyment, through the prism of masochism. Higher Freudianism. This - not forgotten.
4. Henry Miller - "Tropic of Cancer»
Chilling absurdism, militant naturalism denial habitual foundations of life and relationship to nausea, dizziness to create the consciousness of the reader incredible things. Impressionable nature should be avoided.
5. Franz Kafka - "Letter to his father»
The most powerful confession of the writer, the reader opens the secret reasons of formation of Kafka as a literary genius. Heartbreaking, touching, true story of a little boy who loves his father meekly.
6. Nikolai Berdyaev - «Self»
Teaching autistic, not the standard views and not a pattern of thought. Reasoning and memories main Russian existentialist pages of world masterpieces in the genre of philosophy.
7. Kurt Vonnegut - "Cat's Cradle»
Became one of the most popular novels of the author, along with "Slaughterhouse Five," Vonnegut brought international fame.
The responsibility of scientists for their inventions, the problems of the world environmental situation - the central theme of all creativity Vonnegut. "Cat's Cradle" - is no exception. Bewitching, fairy-tale world of the novel expands the boundaries of consciousness and remains in the soul of the reader forever.
8. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - "100 Years of Solitude».
The strange, poetic, bizarre history of the town of Macondo, lost somewhere in the jungle - from creation to decline.
History of the Buendia - a family in which 'everyday miracles so that they do not even pay attention.
Buendia clan produces saints and sinners, revolutionaries, heroes and traitors, swashbuckling adventurers - and women, too fine for everyday life.
It boil extraordinary passion - and improbable events occur.
However, these incredible events again and again become a kind of "magic mirror" through which the reader is the true story of Latin America.
9. The Marquis De Sade - "Justine».
The narrative of the novel revolves around Justine - a young girl from a noble family, who suddenly became an orphan, seeks to earn a living honestly and follow strict morals of Catholicism.
All the efforts of the girls are in vain: the kidnapping, rape and false accusations are only the beginning of a severe test.
In the final, Justine contrasted her sister Juliette, who, unlike Justine, indulge in vices and perversions, and which had the more successful share.
10. Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego - "White on Black»
Russian writer living in Madrid, Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego, grandson of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Spain, fully felt on my personal experience the meaning of "communist morality." This was the experience of his brilliant literary debut - an autobiographical novel in stories "White on Black", which became a sensation in the journal publication.
Book someone may seem sad, someone fun. One certainly: Ruben gave us all the opportunity to look at our terrible, cruel and beautiful world a little kinder, brighter and more joyous.