Saving Private Ficus
Friends wanted to throw ficus, not growing, they say, of the curve. Garbage is the place. Banned throw, he said to me were taken.
Got this patient's unsightly. The trunk of the curve, the leaves are wrapped in short, only resuscitation.
17 photos
Well, first thing in the pot, buy this. They are nice people love spacious accommodation.
And they love the good and hearty meal. We will be ready. The Earth is only zhirnovat.
It is necessary to prepare spices and not forget.
Add the spices: quartz sand, fertilizer for grass (always use it) is very good houseplants.
Mix, divide clumps, we get
The pot 2 cm drainage
Pydem patient. It is strange that he is still alive, the roots completely hammered pot.
Let's wash. We got ugly picture
And to wash it at the same time, the first shower in a lifetime
On 5 cm of soil drainage and does not put clutching roots.
further small portions of land and slowly rammed
but more crooked, sawing Chepik and set between the trunk and stick to support
Fix the plastic ties. That's better.
I never throw from the escargot shells, boil, and land use for decoration. Flowers also like aesthetics.
The customer operated, repaired, ready for further growth.
He moved to the summer residence. After strengthening the root system, will further straighten skoleoz.
Got this patient's unsightly. The trunk of the curve, the leaves are wrapped in short, only resuscitation.
17 photos

Well, first thing in the pot, buy this. They are nice people love spacious accommodation.

And they love the good and hearty meal. We will be ready. The Earth is only zhirnovat.

It is necessary to prepare spices and not forget.

Add the spices: quartz sand, fertilizer for grass (always use it) is very good houseplants.

Mix, divide clumps, we get

The pot 2 cm drainage

Pydem patient. It is strange that he is still alive, the roots completely hammered pot.

Let's wash. We got ugly picture

And to wash it at the same time, the first shower in a lifetime

On 5 cm of soil drainage and does not put clutching roots.

further small portions of land and slowly rammed

but more crooked, sawing Chepik and set between the trunk and stick to support

Fix the plastic ties. That's better.

I never throw from the escargot shells, boil, and land use for decoration. Flowers also like aesthetics.

The customer operated, repaired, ready for further growth.

He moved to the summer residence. After strengthening the root system, will further straighten skoleoz.