GOkey: data cable, battery, USB flash drive and detector keys in one package

I do not know why such a gadget nobody has thought up until now. For owners constantly discharging gadgets and constantly losing keys is simply an indispensable device. Now GOkey raises funds for Indiegogo, and of the planned 40,000 team has collected 372,000 US dollars (at the time of this writing). Until the end of the campaign a further 12 days, so the campaign itself can be called very successful.
And this is the explanation. The fact that the project team has created a versatile gadget that can charge smartphones, serve as a data cable, run flash drive, as well as to detect the keys themselves and smartphones. And all this - in a small package, only slightly larger than the average fob (although there are charms, and more, to be honest).
If more, then the device can:
- Charge your smartphone for 2 hours extra work;
- Serve as a data cable for devices on Android, and on iOS;
- Show on the smartphone screen, which are currently the owner of the keys;
- Send a signal to your smartphone to the beeped to his smartphone, it was easier to detect;
- Work as a flash drive, volume from 8 to 32 GB. I>

In addition, developers will add another opportunity to show the last coordinates of the keys (ie it will also GPS-module). That is, if the campaign dial 500 thousand dollars.
And if the campaign dial 750 000, the interface flash drive will lead to a standard USB 3.0 (now USB 2.0).

As for the price, it also does not bite. So, for GOkey with 8 GB flash drive command asks $ 59 for 16 GB model is $ 69 US and 32 GB model - 79 US dollars.
Now, for pre-order, 16GB model can be ordered for $ 59, and for 118 dollars you can get three "keychain", each with 8 GB of memory.
And here is the video of this device in action:
pre-order can be either the Indiegogo, or on the company website Medgadgets .
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/medgadgets/blog/223861/
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