AT & T captivated New York charging stations for smartphones
The weakest point of the smartphone, in my opinion, it is their attachment to the charger. If simple phones can work a few days, and Philips Xenium - so all month, the flagship of HTC, Samsung, and even from Apple, stand, usually only one "smartfonoden».
AT & T, one of the largest US telecommunications companies, in order to make easier the use of smartphones, spreading throughout New York charging stations, powered by solar panels.
In New York, the company has placed 45 such stations, which is two times more than in 2013 - the first time since the initiative was piloted last year. Now a new version of stations that is less influenced by weather conditions.
The service is completely free of charge - charge the smartphone or tablet can be anyone, even if he is not a client of AT & T. And the station work even at night, thanks to batteries that are charged during the day from the sun.
The project is running until September, so if summer will be in New York - remember saving charging station. What do you dislike about modern smartphones?
AT & T, one of the largest US telecommunications companies, in order to make easier the use of smartphones, spreading throughout New York charging stations, powered by solar panels.

In New York, the company has placed 45 such stations, which is two times more than in 2013 - the first time since the initiative was piloted last year. Now a new version of stations that is less influenced by weather conditions.
The service is completely free of charge - charge the smartphone or tablet can be anyone, even if he is not a client of AT & T. And the station work even at night, thanks to batteries that are charged during the day from the sun.
The project is running until September, so if summer will be in New York - remember saving charging station. What do you dislike about modern smartphones?
Weak battery | ||||
Single-Type Design | ||||
Warm up with heavy use < / | ||||
Not worth the money Only registered users can vote in polls. Sign , please. 419 people have voted. 37 people abstained. Would you use such stations in your city?