As we armored cars in movies filmed.
I have a great personal bronevik.dostalsya of cronyism for ridiculous dengi.pozvonili me to the studio and offered to take pictures of "high art cinema" .delo for us a new and, accordingly, terribly interesting every day filming began in the early morning with the name of the bank armored car pasting. Then comes a lot of people and intelligent individuals swear by talkies. a specially trained person in charge kofem, tea and cookies at two days comes a dining room and feeds all the slaughter obedom.foto a lot but people asked not to spread their photos. so all in brief.
36 photos and 3 videos.
We dressed and given weapons.
Day vtoroy.na armored car and a camera mounted light.
Place the monitor.
kamera.nachali !!! operator with the director sitting in the luggage compartment. the main characters are immersed in mashinu.gibdd cuts off the movement.
dangerous stunt in a movie with the fall with mosta.tak that doctors with us.
remove several cameras from different places.
pryazhki.tut embankment and all the action takes place.
the protagonist.
Bee of the team.
the wife is always with me on the set.
bags with pieces of paper.
Props barely away.
but that's another film.podgotovka to shoot.
chumodany diamond.
my mug.
pyrotechnics lays zaryad.po plot armored blow ...
I wish him a long life with a charge of pyrotechnics overdone -ele extinguished.
krovushku the spray ... it is of course fake, but a stiff glass and now in the rain under the door of the bleeding.
on the street suddenly came zima.kameru constantly warmed.
ukrali.podelnika diamonds in consumption.
kaskadera.skuchala dog without a master.
With photo vse.video until vstavit.PINAITE. and I'll try to fill the video.
36 photos and 3 videos.


We dressed and given weapons.

Day vtoroy.na armored car and a camera mounted light.





Place the monitor.

kamera.nachali !!! operator with the director sitting in the luggage compartment. the main characters are immersed in mashinu.gibdd cuts off the movement.

dangerous stunt in a movie with the fall with mosta.tak that doctors with us.

remove several cameras from different places.

pryazhki.tut embankment and all the action takes place.


the protagonist.

Bee of the team.

the wife is always with me on the set.

bags with pieces of paper.

Props barely away.

but that's another film.podgotovka to shoot.

chumodany diamond.


my mug.

pyrotechnics lays zaryad.po plot armored blow ...

I wish him a long life with a charge of pyrotechnics overdone -ele extinguished.

krovushku the spray ... it is of course fake, but a stiff glass and now in the rain under the door of the bleeding.




on the street suddenly came zima.kameru constantly warmed.



ukrali.podelnika diamonds in consumption.

kaskadera.skuchala dog without a master.
With photo vse.video until vstavit.PINAITE. and I'll try to fill the video.