Did you know that ....

In 1995, a would-be robber broke into the bank, after brushing the face with lemon juice. He thought that once the juice is capable of making invisible ink on paper, his face will also become invisible to cameras.

Even those animals which are considered to be herbivores, sometimes still eat meat cows sometimes eat mice, deer - rabbits and birds, etc.

Viggo Mortensen's son took part in the filming of "The Lord of the Rings." He played one of the orcs who killed Aragorn.

The US military has secretly dumped into the ocean 29 thousand tons of chemical agents nerve agents and sulfur mustard action - at least in 26 different locations. And the exact coordinates of the reset set is no longer possible - record sketchy, lost or destroyed. This bomb explode sooner or later.

In the pilot episode of the American TV series "The Lone Gunmen" (sequel to "X-Files"), released in theaters in March 2001, told the story of how the US government is organizing a terrorist act. In accordance with the cunning plan, hijacked plane should crash into one of the Twin Towers in New York, in order to blame all the terrorists. The government, on the subject, planned to use the attack as a pretext to unleash a new war that promises big profits. This episode was released six months before the events of September 11, 2001.

Resourceful British soldier Bill Speakman was awarded the Victoria Cross for what during the war in Korea (1950) reflected the attack of the enemy, beat him with beer bottles, after he ran out of grenades. Incidentally, bottles (which were delivered to the front four pieces on the fighter) by this time were already empty.

In 1967, Ceausescu imposed a ban on abortion and contraception, and then in Romania there was the "baby boom". Those born in this period children, as a result, a revolution, deprived of the Ceausescu government and executed him in 1989.

Farmers in Kenya are using natural fear of bees and elephants to build so-called "bee fences" that do not allow wild animals trample down the crops.

Once in 1985 in Lebanon, he was killed by one of the Soviet hostages KGB castrated nephew of the leader of Hezbollah. Cut bodies they sent the kidnappers along with a list of known Soviet intelligence agencies relatives of terrorists. The remaining hostages were released immediately.

Source: mixstuff.ru