Therapeutic Ultrasound 3D-corset

This corset for a broken arm - a perfect combination of three-dimensional printing technology and therapeutic effects of ultrasound on the damaged bone. The author is Jake Evill. He developed an easy, durable and stylish design, allowing the skin to breathe freely. This corset is printed on a three-dimensional model of a particular hand. In addition, the corset is not afraid of water, so with it you can safely wash.
In addition to the above advantages over traditional plaster, this design has another important function. You can connect to the corset LIPUS-generator (Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound), source of a weak pulsed ultrasound. The fact that ultrasound at skoryaet healing of damaged bone tissue . And the device can connect to the corset in front of the fracture.

The developer says that the daily 20-minute sessions of ultrasound at 38% speed up the healing process. Now the development is in the prototype stage.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/221715/
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