Foursquare is divided into two parts: the recommendations and Chekina

(image source: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images ) h6> Foursquare today объявила the division of the service into two separate applications: one is called Swarm , and the second will use the old brand - Foursquare.
Everyone knows that Foursquare started as an application for Chekina, the essence of which was in the rapid notification of their friends and acquaintances about your current location. This function is still available in the new application Swarm, which will be released in the coming weeks for iOS, and for Android. Windows Phone owners will have to wait a little longer, but the version for this platform is also announced.
The last few years of Foursquare, slowly but surely, extends the functionality of their mobile applications. The company wants to become a full advisory service, and based on the user's current location, preferences and browsing history, offer the best restaurants, bars, cafes and attractions.
"We believe that the search for places should be based on your preferences and the advice of people you trust," - say in Foursquare. "The opinion of the real experts should be more important than the opinion of strangers. The application must respond to queries like "advise me a good place for a date," and not just "show me the nearest gas station" ».
So now the company is working on a new, focused on exploring new places, the application (it will be called simply Foursquare), which plans to launch this summer. They claim that both applications will work as effectively as before, but without a doubt, what we see now, Foursquare is an attempt to reorient their basic orientation (Chekina) in line with the recommendations based on the user's location. Perhaps they hope to finally oust Yelp of this niche.
If you are interested in trying a new application first, then set up specifically for this separate page , where you can subscribe to updates.
From the translator: By the way, while still Swarm (like the logo in the form of bees), is the name of one of the badges (or rather a whole class), which are given for Chekina in places "increased activity». H6> And on this over several interviews. Please refrain from voting, if you do not use Foursquare. Thank you. What do you most often use Foursquare?
Chekina in new places, earn points and badges | ||||
Watching recommendations of interesting places nearby Only registered users can vote in polls. Sign , please. 233 people have voted. Excused 126 people. Properly fed Foursquare, which divides its service into two parts?