Of Facebook is building another data center in Sweden: a new concept of "accelerated construction of" data center
Facebook announced plans to expand its server capacity in Sweden, namely, the plan for the construction of already second in a row Data Center in Lulea. In the construction of the data warehouse will use the latest design approaches, thanks to which the company expects to double the effective capacity of its facilities and to build much faster than was previously possible. Plus Data Center selected the project is that geographically it can be erected anywhere.
First Data Center of the company in Luleå, which was put into operation in 2012, was the pioneer TsODom of Facebook, the first data center was put outside the territory of the United States.
The new concept of "fast erecting DC" is mainly to produce large overall construction elements remote factories, then deliver them to all possible transport to the place of erection for their quick assembly into a single structure. For the first time on such an approach to the construction of its DC company Facebook announced at the January conference «Open Compute Summit», held in San Jose, Calif.
The idea of using prefabricated elements for fast construction DC widespread over the past few years. Actually within the concept of the approaches vary somewhat from the delivery of standardized containers filled with server hardware elements to the production of huge prefabricated data center designs to factories, with a view to build directly on the site of the future DC.
Companies such as Google and Microsoft in the construction of the data center has always adhered to the rules allow you to place your power in existing data center providers' side. " Therefore, in the construction of this object to their needs attended several smaller companies from the US and the UK.
The concept of "Chassis» h5> In the heart of the concept of "Chassis" is the following principle. Using clues from various industries, which is widely used automation and standardization of production, managed to form a vision of the ideas and implement the "chassis" - the basis (in this case a steel frame with approximate dimensions of 3.6 m by 12.2 m) and use an assembly line for delivered to the place of work elements.

First Data Center of the company in Luleå, which was put into operation in 2012, was the pioneer TsODom of Facebook, the first data center was put outside the territory of the United States.
The new concept of "fast erecting DC" is mainly to produce large overall construction elements remote factories, then deliver them to all possible transport to the place of erection for their quick assembly into a single structure. For the first time on such an approach to the construction of its DC company Facebook announced at the January conference «Open Compute Summit», held in San Jose, Calif.
The idea of using prefabricated elements for fast construction DC widespread over the past few years. Actually within the concept of the approaches vary somewhat from the delivery of standardized containers filled with server hardware elements to the production of huge prefabricated data center designs to factories, with a view to build directly on the site of the future DC.

Companies such as Google and Microsoft in the construction of the data center has always adhered to the rules allow you to place your power in existing data center providers' side. " Therefore, in the construction of this object to their needs attended several smaller companies from the US and the UK.
The concept of "Chassis» h5> In the heart of the concept of "Chassis" is the following principle. Using clues from various industries, which is widely used automation and standardization of production, managed to form a vision of the ideas and implement the "chassis" - the basis (in this case a steel frame with approximate dimensions of 3.6 m by 12.2 m) and use an assembly line for delivered to the place of work elements.
"The elements of the creation of DC also include all the infrastructure that accompanies the server racks cable trays, laying power lines, device control and measurement units and lighting," - wrote in his blog, dedicated to announcing plans for a DC Marco Magarelli engineer -dizayner project construction of the data center for Facebook.
"Our" chassis "is already supporting the entire infrastructure that accompanies the server racks. The container solutions in addition to the equipment to be transported as "air" in the container. This same idea is conveyed only basic design, which is placed over the server racks and is ready to connect communications. "- Describes his vision of the team Marco.
Once assembled chassis is loaded into the body and transported directly to the DC itself. In the same building delivered assembly is mounted on a prepared concrete pillars.
Two connected gear form a 18-meter pass. Common computer room data center will accommodate a chassis 52, thereby forming a 13 corridors intended including server cooling assemblies.
Prior to the project, which is being implemented today in Luleå, Facebook built the DC repeating the principle of the whole design and construction of its first commissioned DC directly in Prinvile, Oregon. The company has built during its existence, the six versions of the DC. The company currently is building two data center in the state of server Carolina and Iowa, and also rents space from several major providers in the United States.
The new concept of "accelerated construction of" data center will not only save money, but also to use resources more efficiently.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/ua-hosting/blog/221461/
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