Most popular games 80s

Adventure game Avalon in 1984 became one of the biggest hits of the year. Dynamic graphics, extensive locations of more than two hundred rooms, several kinds of enemies and weapons - especially video games do not provide players with a latitude of action. Avalon success pushed publishers to release a sequel - Dragontorc.

Adventure Action Fairlight in the 80s became one of the most high-profile projects in the field of video games. The authors have paid much attention to graphics and voice acting, trying to iron out flaws and make it convenient for the game. For many gamers, this approach fell on the soul, and a year later was released sequel - Fairlight II.

Bomb Jack Platform in 1984 introduced a new genre of video games that would later actively eksplutirovalsya all gaming platforms, including game consoles. The story was simple enough - Jack superhero who can jump and float must defuse 24 bombs planted in public places. Subsequently Bomb Jack was released for all known game platforms including Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo Wii.

In 1986 in England it was released game Movie - one of the first projects in the field of graphic video games. Gameplay Movie generally responded to new trends, but the story of the game was generously diluted spectacular at that time graphic inserts, pushes the usual boundaries arcades.

The game Quazatron user is prompted to find yourself in the city Giant Robot. With his character - a robot scout - gamers need to capture the city. One of the features the game has the opportunity to select different modes of action against the background of the linear plots of other projects was a new trend.

Especially popular Spanish project Sir Fred, in which players are invited to feel like a knight - he had to sneak into the castle of the princess and the kidnapper to release her. Unique gameplay lent active location - it was one of the first games in which water is pushed character snake might bite, and the main character takes damage, hit a snag.

One of the most original games of that time has been written based on the movie "The Great Escape" arcade game The Great Escape. Events unfold against the backdrop of the Second World War, taken prisoner military pilot Air Force is trying to escape from the camp. The player can communicate with other objects in the game, I had to take into account the schedule of the camp, as well as to maintain the required level parameters of your own character. Later, these findings became mandatory for games of this type.

Arcade racing game Turbo Esprit in 1986 was another breakthrough in video games. Against the background of the competition, she stood out detailed graphics and advanced sound system of locations - it was the first game in which it was possible to skate in the free mode through the city without any reference to the subject.

Nebulus is another sensational platformer. In the story of the creation of the green small game Pogo is necessary to destroy several underwater towers. Features gameplay Nebulus is that, regardless of the player's actions Pogo is always in the center of the screen, and the display moves to the location only.

Probably a major hit late 80s became a space shooter R-Type, laid the foundation of a genre of video games. Curiously, the first cassette release of the game was defective - by mistake instead of the eighth layer was re-recorded the seventh, and it was impossible to beat the game. Then the developers have released a new version and now the R-Type regularly ranks high in the rankings of video games.

Source: www.aif.ru