Fat burning green cocktail

Surely you all know about the fat burning properties of grapefruit, but how many know that the kiwi much more effectively burns fat and splits otlozheniya.Tak also be in a cocktail lemon peel in which contain substances that help fight the hated kilograms.

Many people know about the beneficial properties of green, but can not adequately take advantage of their knowledge, because there are just so it does not taste good, and add greenery to prepare a dish is not enough, there is a way! It can be added to fruit smoothies and fruit taste then block the taste of greens, and all useful vitamins and minerals preserved.

This cocktail will help to clean up the body after the winter, not only externally but also internally.

Ingredients (per serving):

1 medium kiwi
2 ringlet lemon (with peel)
7-10 sprigs of parsley (tails cut off)
6-8 sprigs of mint
100 ml of clean, sparkling water
At the request of 1-2 tsp honey (not sugar!).
1. Clean and cut to 4-5 pieces of kiwi fruit and put in the bowl of a blender. Ideally, prepare the cocktail is not in a blender, and using a pestle and mortar, as well retained more vitamins than in the case of the blender, but if you like I do not have a mortar, you can use a blender. You can leave a slice for decoration.

2. There also send two thin ringlet lemon (with peel) and parsley.

3. Parse the mint leaves on - leaves a kiwi, and the stems in the trash. On request, add honey.

4. Add the water and grind everything into a puree.

5. poured into a glass, decorate and enjoy) Drink immediately)