7 reasons why Dmitry Nagiyev-cool
In April, I started in television comedy series "Fizruk" - another successful project of Dmitry Nagiyev after the "Kitchen" and "voice." Chief specialist of Russian show business journalist Bulat Latypov, calls seven reasons why Dmitry Nagiyev so cool.
Nagiyev - self-Maid
Due to the Arab roots of Dima, a boy from a poor family, a child teased chock. A little later it inclined in the school years to be overweight zhirtrest started calling and saying: "Oily barrel bore a son." On the back, of course, it was nothing to be done, and more than able to cope because of weight training in Sambo. With money in the family it was then sparsely, and from a good actor can remember except that my father bought for the salary-engineer old bicycle. Trying to somehow make money, Nagiyev fartsa sneakers and chewing gum, often gets in the nursery police and eventually turns out to be in the army. After the service, he at the same time studying at the Theatre Institute and works as a janitor, cloakroom, a loader - is no stranger to manual labor, gnaws his crumb of the loaf of bread. These days, when even the creators of the series "Girls" is accused of nepotism, prohavat life from the bottom - it's worth it. Nagiyev - persistent and purposeful
Not every person who discovered the morning facial paralysis, continued to dream of an artistic career. It is now Dmitry can afford to joke on this subject ("reconcile that today we have these two - I Sylvester Stallone"), and in the second year Theatre Institute was certainly no laughing matter. Corporate cynical squint, facial asymmetry and dark glasses at all times of day and night - it is the consequences of the injury.
In Nagiyev has its own style
The actor fits into the image of a man furfuristogo not pay attention to the changing fashion, but nevertheless on style and looks are always in the best sense "pontovo." Without loggers, Heritage and Redwing, but in the black hat, unbuttoned shirt and sunglasses - the true "macho with a touch of the mafia," as the fashion expert Alexander Vassiliev. For unique foppish Style Nagieva valued and Chinese women, among men who have chosen European appearance to promote his Ray-Ban.
Posted in [mergetime] 1397821653 [/ mergetime]
Nagiyev - master of disguise
Ensign Zadov - it's not bad, let Nagiyev now renounces projects of this level. We staged the controversial talk show "Windows" was the charm - after all, judging by the ratings, they are very few people could come off. Rybak, to pick up gonorrhea from the carp, a manufacturer of wigs of pubic hair and a man that gathered around the shit out of him to sculpt a statue of Hitler - to each of these people needed their approach. This show could lead character Ron Burgundy Will Ferrell, and in Russia, and only Nagiyev comes to mind.
Posted in [mergetime] 1397821686 [/ mergetime]
It is necessary to remember and created a couple with a colleague Sergei Growth "Caution Nouveau!", Which over time has acquired the character and did the cult show nesmyshlёnoy even among young people. The main post-Soviet specialist "Caution Nouveau!" Faraj Efendiyev indicates a comedic coverage Nagiyev as an actor: "It is striking how much the second" modern "is self-sufficient demonstration of all that he can as a comedian. Most clearly in the plan have not played them drinking plumber Stepan zadrot named Ochkarito and mustachioed lieutenant - that's where the wide emotional palette! »
Posted in [mergetime] 1397821719 [/ mergetime]
However, in nagievskom portfolio there are serious, dramatic work: Chechen rebel Israpilov Nevzorov in "Purgatory" Judas "Master and Margarita" Bortko, a police captain in "Kamenka" mafia Margeladze in "mole." For the first time he saw Nagieva before filming "Purgatory", the same Nevzorov said: "Father, what rubbish! It will help us to sell all the tapes. " A little later, he finally admitted to him a great talent and rich acting abilities: "If someone and had to leave, and to whom I had to say goodbye to Russia to collect plywood with iron angles suitcase and torn sneakers shove in Hollywood, it's him, because he is a man, created just for the film industry ». < br />
Posted in [mergetime] 1397821759 [/ mergetime]
Nagiyev - the joker, able to draw any project
Most likely, the series "Kitchen" and vocal TV show "The Voice" would be held without the participation of Nagiyev, but a number of projects have helped its memorable characters to swim at a decent level. In the motley variety of contemporary Russian cinema can not consciously notice the products like "The Best Movie 2," "Men with a guarantee," or the movie "burdock". However, there among traditional ugliness KVN skit distinguished solo outputs Nagiyev, the best of them - the healer Athanasius Bridle, who came to the program "Malakhov +" to "the best movie 2».
Nagiyev - successful and rating workaholic
Dmitry responsible approach to the choice of material, even at the dawn of his career, and there was an incident called "Bobak Saskerviley" (published under the name "Other Cinema"!). Aby where it does not go as protects the honor and dignity. "Windows" and "Caution, Zadov!" Has long been in the past is the past and remember the actor does not like. Many believe that Nagiyev takes cheek and impudence, he grabber, they say, and moneymaker. Wait, but you can work a person does not need to look at it in the first place?
"Kitchen", "The Voice. Children "," Fizruk "- Ratings cracking at the seams, the whole country by 2014, learned to watch any Television, which appears bald head charismatic cynic Nagiyev. The first series of "fizruk" looked every third viewer Russia at the age of 14 to 44, and it is the best start in the history of TNT. Before that series Nagiyev among the ten most popular Russian actors, now after such a furious and well-deserved success, he pretends to get into the top five.
And all the fuss, the whole wave is gaining momentum public hype on "How to Dmitry Nagkonahi become so cool" associated it with "physical trainer" - for Nagiyev it as a "real detective", "Dallas Buyers Club" and "Mad" for Matthew McConaughey, combined, hard-earned ticket to kinoelitu. Nothing funnier on Russian television viewers have not seen since the first season of "real kids». http://rutube.ru/video/embed/3b1903bbefa2e52e631a9dc3227346d0 video> Nagiyev - sensitive father, a son properly
Dmitri was 21 years old when a son Cyril. A student of the St. Petersburg Theater Institute, he then studied from morning to night, took up any second jobs and homes washed diapers and roll the wheelchair with a crying baby. Nagiyev Sr. believes that much given, but many nedodal Nagiyev Junior. Despite the categorical unwillingness to father, son also went on the artistic line. However, patronage on the part of the father does not have to rely almost - in fact their principles, even in the co-host of "The Voice" was not able to push through. At the moment, the most high-profile projects in the creative dossiers Cyril Nagiyev - a "brigade: Heir." There really believe that no one helped her walk all himself. Nagiyev real relationships in life - a separate song, God forbid each other to become as his child.

Nagiyev - self-Maid
Due to the Arab roots of Dima, a boy from a poor family, a child teased chock. A little later it inclined in the school years to be overweight zhirtrest started calling and saying: "Oily barrel bore a son." On the back, of course, it was nothing to be done, and more than able to cope because of weight training in Sambo. With money in the family it was then sparsely, and from a good actor can remember except that my father bought for the salary-engineer old bicycle. Trying to somehow make money, Nagiyev fartsa sneakers and chewing gum, often gets in the nursery police and eventually turns out to be in the army. After the service, he at the same time studying at the Theatre Institute and works as a janitor, cloakroom, a loader - is no stranger to manual labor, gnaws his crumb of the loaf of bread. These days, when even the creators of the series "Girls" is accused of nepotism, prohavat life from the bottom - it's worth it. Nagiyev - persistent and purposeful
Not every person who discovered the morning facial paralysis, continued to dream of an artistic career. It is now Dmitry can afford to joke on this subject ("reconcile that today we have these two - I Sylvester Stallone"), and in the second year Theatre Institute was certainly no laughing matter. Corporate cynical squint, facial asymmetry and dark glasses at all times of day and night - it is the consequences of the injury.
In Nagiyev has its own style
The actor fits into the image of a man furfuristogo not pay attention to the changing fashion, but nevertheless on style and looks are always in the best sense "pontovo." Without loggers, Heritage and Redwing, but in the black hat, unbuttoned shirt and sunglasses - the true "macho with a touch of the mafia," as the fashion expert Alexander Vassiliev. For unique foppish Style Nagieva valued and Chinese women, among men who have chosen European appearance to promote his Ray-Ban.
Posted in [mergetime] 1397821653 [/ mergetime]
Nagiyev - master of disguise
Ensign Zadov - it's not bad, let Nagiyev now renounces projects of this level. We staged the controversial talk show "Windows" was the charm - after all, judging by the ratings, they are very few people could come off. Rybak, to pick up gonorrhea from the carp, a manufacturer of wigs of pubic hair and a man that gathered around the shit out of him to sculpt a statue of Hitler - to each of these people needed their approach. This show could lead character Ron Burgundy Will Ferrell, and in Russia, and only Nagiyev comes to mind.
Posted in [mergetime] 1397821686 [/ mergetime]
It is necessary to remember and created a couple with a colleague Sergei Growth "Caution Nouveau!", Which over time has acquired the character and did the cult show nesmyshlёnoy even among young people. The main post-Soviet specialist "Caution Nouveau!" Faraj Efendiyev indicates a comedic coverage Nagiyev as an actor: "It is striking how much the second" modern "is self-sufficient demonstration of all that he can as a comedian. Most clearly in the plan have not played them drinking plumber Stepan zadrot named Ochkarito and mustachioed lieutenant - that's where the wide emotional palette! »
Posted in [mergetime] 1397821719 [/ mergetime]
However, in nagievskom portfolio there are serious, dramatic work: Chechen rebel Israpilov Nevzorov in "Purgatory" Judas "Master and Margarita" Bortko, a police captain in "Kamenka" mafia Margeladze in "mole." For the first time he saw Nagieva before filming "Purgatory", the same Nevzorov said: "Father, what rubbish! It will help us to sell all the tapes. " A little later, he finally admitted to him a great talent and rich acting abilities: "If someone and had to leave, and to whom I had to say goodbye to Russia to collect plywood with iron angles suitcase and torn sneakers shove in Hollywood, it's him, because he is a man, created just for the film industry ». < br />
Posted in [mergetime] 1397821759 [/ mergetime]
Nagiyev - the joker, able to draw any project
Most likely, the series "Kitchen" and vocal TV show "The Voice" would be held without the participation of Nagiyev, but a number of projects have helped its memorable characters to swim at a decent level. In the motley variety of contemporary Russian cinema can not consciously notice the products like "The Best Movie 2," "Men with a guarantee," or the movie "burdock". However, there among traditional ugliness KVN skit distinguished solo outputs Nagiyev, the best of them - the healer Athanasius Bridle, who came to the program "Malakhov +" to "the best movie 2».

Nagiyev - successful and rating workaholic
Dmitry responsible approach to the choice of material, even at the dawn of his career, and there was an incident called "Bobak Saskerviley" (published under the name "Other Cinema"!). Aby where it does not go as protects the honor and dignity. "Windows" and "Caution, Zadov!" Has long been in the past is the past and remember the actor does not like. Many believe that Nagiyev takes cheek and impudence, he grabber, they say, and moneymaker. Wait, but you can work a person does not need to look at it in the first place?
"Kitchen", "The Voice. Children "," Fizruk "- Ratings cracking at the seams, the whole country by 2014, learned to watch any Television, which appears bald head charismatic cynic Nagiyev. The first series of "fizruk" looked every third viewer Russia at the age of 14 to 44, and it is the best start in the history of TNT. Before that series Nagiyev among the ten most popular Russian actors, now after such a furious and well-deserved success, he pretends to get into the top five.
And all the fuss, the whole wave is gaining momentum public hype on "How to Dmitry Nagkonahi become so cool" associated it with "physical trainer" - for Nagiyev it as a "real detective", "Dallas Buyers Club" and "Mad" for Matthew McConaughey, combined, hard-earned ticket to kinoelitu. Nothing funnier on Russian television viewers have not seen since the first season of "real kids». http://rutube.ru/video/embed/3b1903bbefa2e52e631a9dc3227346d0 video> Nagiyev - sensitive father, a son properly
Dmitri was 21 years old when a son Cyril. A student of the St. Petersburg Theater Institute, he then studied from morning to night, took up any second jobs and homes washed diapers and roll the wheelchair with a crying baby. Nagiyev Sr. believes that much given, but many nedodal Nagiyev Junior. Despite the categorical unwillingness to father, son also went on the artistic line. However, patronage on the part of the father does not have to rely almost - in fact their principles, even in the co-host of "The Voice" was not able to push through. At the moment, the most high-profile projects in the creative dossiers Cyril Nagiyev - a "brigade: Heir." There really believe that no one helped her walk all himself. Nagiyev real relationships in life - a separate song, God forbid each other to become as his child.