Hackers tricked fingerprint Samsung Galaxy S5

iPhone 5s - not the only smartphone fingerprint scanner which can be fooled. The same fate befell the Galaxy S5: SR Labs hackers managed to circumvent the protection of biometric trends, produce high-quality copy of the fingerprint. In addition, it is worth noting that the defense of Apple's smartphone was even more robust, because in some cases, such as when you restart the system required to enter a password and confirm the Samsung device allows money transfers to PayPal using the same scanner. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account that in order to fool the biometric security system requires special equipment, skills and time, and the usual street thieves do not often have the first two resources.

Source: 24gadget.ru/1161057721-hakery-obmanuli-skaner-otpechatkov-samsung-galaxy-s5-video.html