Weekdays utilities (60 photos)
My home is the better ZHKO in Russia (at the end of last year), it's hard to judge what is happening in the housing sector. We have, if the porch light is not lit, it is enough to come down in the HCS and say so - 30 minutes will be all right. But even in the best ZHKO Russia, where every day wash entrance, summer watering flower beds and care for the plants, it is still shit in the elevator, they write on the walls "$ x minutes" and thumps on the summer playground. I do convinced that utilities should be a matter of state, as the mess in this area is simply not acceptable. I gathered fun is not about the best ZHKO, so look - in Russia are fun and insanity of the utilities should be as clear and, unfortunately, many are similar. :)
News SMI2
Source: kaifolog.ru

News SMI2

Source: kaifolog.ru