Every atom of your body is almost certainly been a part of several stars and been part of millions of living organisms

& Quot; ... Besides, they (atoms) are also fantastically durable. Because of its survivability atoms really have seen the light. Every atom of your body is almost certainly been a part of several stars and been part of millions of living organisms. As we have such an abundance of atoms, and we are exposed to a strong processing after the death of a significant number of our atoms - presumably to a billion in each of us - once could belong to Shakespeare. A billion each got from Buddha, Genghis Khan, Beethoven, and any other historical figure, whatever came to mind. (Person must obviously be historic because for a thorough redistribution of atoms required for several decades, and, as if you did not want to, you can hardly wear a Elvis Presley atoms) & quot;
B.Brayson, "A Short History of Nearly Everything"