Kremlin does not need Ukraine and Kazakhstan - Russia intends to conquer the Moon and Mars (not fake!)
< - Vuyko, moskalі on Mіsyats poletіli!
- Get out usі?
Russia is not going to conquer the Ukraine and Kazakhstan - is for the Great Russian too shallow.
But wipe the colonization of the Moon and Mars, built here the New Russia, where there will be no svolota like "kaklov" and "Pindos" - this is the goal, designated the Great Helmsman.
Well, not so Schaub right in the forehead, but some of it - namely, the intention to soon colonize truly Russian land the Moon and Mars, wrote in an article in the program "Russian newspaper" Russian Deputy Prime Minister, responsible for the defense in the government of the Russian Federation industrial complex, Dmitry Rogozin.
"Russia in general identified with the conceptual framework of space exploration. We need to be resolved three strategic objectives: expanding our presence in low Earth orbits and their transition from development to use; development with subsequent colonization of the Moon and near-moon space; preparation and the start of development of Mars and other objects in the solar system, "- he said.
According to him, now unfolding in Russia work to define technical configuration based on manned rocket superheavy class flights to the Moon and Mars.
"In addition, the design work underway to create a powerful interorbital (interplanetary) tugs, without which the development of the Moon and the planets of the solar system research is impossible," - said Rogozin.
The Moon is going to place the RF test sites for the accumulation and transfer of energy to the distance for testing new engines. "This should remind the development of a new continent," - said Rogozin.
"Luna - no intermediate point on the course, it is self-sufficient and even purpose. Hardly expedient to do 10-20 missions to the Moon and beyond, all rushed to fly to Mars or asteroids. This process has a beginning but no end, we are going to go to the moon forever, "- said Rogozin.
Moon - was is and will be Russian!
Words would Rogozin - God's ears.
And let him fly. And the moon. And on Mars.
And you can even further ...
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- Get out usі?
Russia is not going to conquer the Ukraine and Kazakhstan - is for the Great Russian too shallow.
But wipe the colonization of the Moon and Mars, built here the New Russia, where there will be no svolota like "kaklov" and "Pindos" - this is the goal, designated the Great Helmsman.
Well, not so Schaub right in the forehead, but some of it - namely, the intention to soon colonize truly Russian land the Moon and Mars, wrote in an article in the program "Russian newspaper" Russian Deputy Prime Minister, responsible for the defense in the government of the Russian Federation industrial complex, Dmitry Rogozin.
"Russia in general identified with the conceptual framework of space exploration. We need to be resolved three strategic objectives: expanding our presence in low Earth orbits and their transition from development to use; development with subsequent colonization of the Moon and near-moon space; preparation and the start of development of Mars and other objects in the solar system, "- he said.
According to him, now unfolding in Russia work to define technical configuration based on manned rocket superheavy class flights to the Moon and Mars.
"In addition, the design work underway to create a powerful interorbital (interplanetary) tugs, without which the development of the Moon and the planets of the solar system research is impossible," - said Rogozin.
The Moon is going to place the RF test sites for the accumulation and transfer of energy to the distance for testing new engines. "This should remind the development of a new continent," - said Rogozin.
"Luna - no intermediate point on the course, it is self-sufficient and even purpose. Hardly expedient to do 10-20 missions to the Moon and beyond, all rushed to fly to Mars or asteroids. This process has a beginning but no end, we are going to go to the moon forever, "- said Rogozin.
Moon - was is and will be Russian!
Words would Rogozin - God's ears.
And let him fly. And the moon. And on Mars.
And you can even further ...
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