Water mattress for $ 12 and a lot of joy!
To create a water mattress required:
2.Kleykaya tape
3.Bumaga baking
4.Utyuzhok hair straighteners
5.Polietilenovaya film
The film was cut into two sheets of size 2 x 2 square meters. Using baking paper and glue ironing sheets.
Glue to the last corner and leave an opening 3 cm
In the manufacture of mattress took 19 minutes
Fill the water mattress. Pre color the water with food coloring
To fill out a mattress for 10 minutes, seal the remaining angle
Children happy!
Source: pagingfunmums.com
2.Kleykaya tape
3.Bumaga baking
4.Utyuzhok hair straighteners
5.Polietilenovaya film

The film was cut into two sheets of size 2 x 2 square meters. Using baking paper and glue ironing sheets.

Glue to the last corner and leave an opening 3 cm

In the manufacture of mattress took 19 minutes

Fill the water mattress. Pre color the water with food coloring

To fill out a mattress for 10 minutes, seal the remaining angle

Children happy!

Source: pagingfunmums.com