Ground floor.
On Yap periodically appear rukozhopye photo report on the construction of their own homes. Good home without sporyu.No here I drew attention to one thing, for some reason, all the houses are built without basements. And for good reason. Of course, I am not referring to the cellar, which you can then dig and called in Russian ground floor. Why nothing? Let's look at this issue in my house (a short digression-breaking topics welcome benevolent criticism. Minusovodam-negativschikam please wait for the show). A small little house, not like drugim.No what is, to me is enough, on two floors of a total of 120 squares somewhere. Plus basement.
So he looked at the start.
.Now Slightly repainted. Just do not poke me urainsko-hohlyatsky colors. They can also be called and Swedish.
1. To start a short excursion into istoriyu.Galopom stroyku.Sam you about the house is unlikely to be able to build, even if you buy land somewhere outside the city. However, if you have certificates mason, carpenter, electrician, plumber, roofer and the other, then you and the card ruki.A if not that, will build a construction company, hiring appropriate specialists.
So, dug a foundation pit, extend pipe under communication. Front of house water, gas, electricity, telephone back stretch.
2.Zalili foundation.
3.Zdes be an electric meter. Near the gas.
4.Obmazyvaetsya resin for water resistance.
5.Vopros on filling-why this hose?
6.Delaetsya basis under the first etazh.Ya offered to send this picture mother-and say, well, this is our home for three hundred and fifty thousand. On the left the entrance to the room.
7.Vyrisovyvayutsya outlines doma.Vid front.
8. behind. By the way, this clearly shows that despite the fact that construction on this territory in the infancy, and already asphalt and trotuary.i lighting poles.
9.Vstavili windows and doors, roof built.
10.Pokryli kryshu.Sleva, near the house, a bath in komplekte.Tak not understand how they in this bandura pulls a finished house.
11.Steny covered by siding.
12.Vsё House gotov.Podveli path from the sidewalk to the vhodu.Milosti ask, dear Novoselov.
Incidentally, a week before receiving the keys held preliminary inspection doma.Buduschie Novoselov, together with a representative of the company bypassed the house and try to discover flaws that week should be ustraneny.Zaodno whole house washed and scrubbed from stroitelnog and other debris. A year after the invasion of the firm must remove got out for the year schools.
13.Tak, very zabyl.My the basement sobiralis.Brosim a brief look at the way to the corner of a healthy diet.
15.Zal, he's been salon.Takoy.
16.Takoy today.
17.Kak same without him smotret.Na sofa telly watching can be reclining.
18.Nakonets something podval.Pod staircase descended into chaos, estestvenno.Tam also kept two sets of wheels and suitcases.
19.Naprotiv- cat area. The idea is that here, if desired, you can make a bath with a toilet, because it has stifled the sink and cooker hood.
20.Sprava from the entrance and economic chast.Sleva-air heater for heating the home, with a humectant, water middle-kotёl.Vsё gazovoe.Kstati, the efficiency of the heater air almost 100%, it is not even a chimney, only the output steam condensate to the outside (two White PVC pipe to the left).
21.Stiralka, dryer, freezer and other mess on the shelves.
22.Dalshe shelves with drink-zakusit.Instrument also present at the boxes.
23.Levaya second part podvala.Dlya razvlecheniy.Vmesto wall shelf made by wine bottles and beer kruzhki.Sam, honestly.
24.Nemnogo tell this part of the case, because the walls were just steklovatoy.Iz with the fact that the "wise" builders zapindyurili electrical shield there, he decided to close this horror, to make a case-kupe.Tolko in the wall to it was not visible, it is a case-shifoner.
25.Kupil in economic laminated chipboard, there I sawed them in the required size. And forward.
26. The first part of the ballet marlezonskogo.
So he looked at the start.

.Now Slightly repainted. Just do not poke me urainsko-hohlyatsky colors. They can also be called and Swedish.

1. To start a short excursion into istoriyu.Galopom stroyku.Sam you about the house is unlikely to be able to build, even if you buy land somewhere outside the city. However, if you have certificates mason, carpenter, electrician, plumber, roofer and the other, then you and the card ruki.A if not that, will build a construction company, hiring appropriate specialists.
So, dug a foundation pit, extend pipe under communication. Front of house water, gas, electricity, telephone back stretch.

2.Zalili foundation.

3.Zdes be an electric meter. Near the gas.

4.Obmazyvaetsya resin for water resistance.

5.Vopros on filling-why this hose?

6.Delaetsya basis under the first etazh.Ya offered to send this picture mother-and say, well, this is our home for three hundred and fifty thousand. On the left the entrance to the room.

7.Vyrisovyvayutsya outlines doma.Vid front.

8. behind. By the way, this clearly shows that despite the fact that construction on this territory in the infancy, and already asphalt and trotuary.i lighting poles.

9.Vstavili windows and doors, roof built.

10.Pokryli kryshu.Sleva, near the house, a bath in komplekte.Tak not understand how they in this bandura pulls a finished house.

11.Steny covered by siding.

12.Vsё House gotov.Podveli path from the sidewalk to the vhodu.Milosti ask, dear Novoselov.
Incidentally, a week before receiving the keys held preliminary inspection doma.Buduschie Novoselov, together with a representative of the company bypassed the house and try to discover flaws that week should be ustraneny.Zaodno whole house washed and scrubbed from stroitelnog and other debris. A year after the invasion of the firm must remove got out for the year schools.

13.Tak, very zabyl.My the basement sobiralis.Brosim a brief look at the way to the corner of a healthy diet.


15.Zal, he's been salon.Takoy.

16.Takoy today.

17.Kak same without him smotret.Na sofa telly watching can be reclining.

18.Nakonets something podval.Pod staircase descended into chaos, estestvenno.Tam also kept two sets of wheels and suitcases.

19.Naprotiv- cat area. The idea is that here, if desired, you can make a bath with a toilet, because it has stifled the sink and cooker hood.

20.Sprava from the entrance and economic chast.Sleva-air heater for heating the home, with a humectant, water middle-kotёl.Vsё gazovoe.Kstati, the efficiency of the heater air almost 100%, it is not even a chimney, only the output steam condensate to the outside (two White PVC pipe to the left).

21.Stiralka, dryer, freezer and other mess on the shelves.

22.Dalshe shelves with drink-zakusit.Instrument also present at the boxes.

23.Levaya second part podvala.Dlya razvlecheniy.Vmesto wall shelf made by wine bottles and beer kruzhki.Sam, honestly.

24.Nemnogo tell this part of the case, because the walls were just steklovatoy.Iz with the fact that the "wise" builders zapindyurili electrical shield there, he decided to close this horror, to make a case-kupe.Tolko in the wall to it was not visible, it is a case-shifoner.

25.Kupil in economic laminated chipboard, there I sawed them in the required size. And forward.

26. The first part of the ballet marlezonskogo.
