Book for children up to 3 years
Before you recently published a children's book, "The Valiant Little Tailor." Its design, quality of materials and pictures done at the highest level and definitely deserves praise. There is only one thing - this book illustrations by no means for children up to 3 years. Make my words, you can under the cut.
And would you give a book to his young child?
Open reversal. There's a positive dark gray background and the strange mosquito on one side
Here's a picture with many details.
On some more. A man will rule flies in the background. In the foreground, a rider on a horse-wasp.
The big man with the face of a degenerate otklyachennoy ass well drawn, head over to a swarm of flies
Unicorn. It seems like to be a good fantasy creatures.
Fish lucky pig through the desert
The image of a bad dream perhaps
Well, actually. We see bad, so I'll write.
Literary-art edition. For children up to three years. Golden Collection for children.
The publication has a significant historical / cultural / artistic value to society.
Source: PoperEzha
And would you give a book to his young child?

Open reversal. There's a positive dark gray background and the strange mosquito on one side


Here's a picture with many details.

On some more. A man will rule flies in the background. In the foreground, a rider on a horse-wasp.

The big man with the face of a degenerate otklyachennoy ass well drawn, head over to a swarm of flies

Unicorn. It seems like to be a good fantasy creatures.

Fish lucky pig through the desert

The image of a bad dream perhaps

Well, actually. We see bad, so I'll write.
Literary-art edition. For children up to three years. Golden Collection for children.
The publication has a significant historical / cultural / artistic value to society.

Source: PoperEzha