Why Obama missed the events in the Crimea?
On Monday, one of the major US newspapers - The Wall Street Journal - wrote bitterly that US intelligence missed the "capture" of the Crimea. US could not detect any order on the nomination of troops, despite wiretapping "of electronic and digital communications" in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic countries. "US officials have not been able to figure out how the Russian hid their plans from the United States," - the newspaper said.
Responded to the article ... the Russian Minister of Communications Nikolay Nikiforov.
"An article in the Wall Street Journal about the beginning of a large-scale intelligence information from the United States to Russia. US security officials themselves put an end to the further use of "software and hardware" of the US public and near-state sector in Russia ».
However, judging by the results obtained, the system of computer security We have already established quite decent.
- Use foreign protection for our state secrets fraught, - explains to me the chief of the Department of IT-security company "mask" Alexander Vertigora. - It is unlikely that foreign developers tell us about vulnerabilities in their software and how they use them. And there are a lot of leakage channels.
In the offices of the Russian security services and in the offices of those who have access to state secrets, has recently been equipped with special computers. In the open market they do not happen. Such a computer with all the protective Pribluda is significantly more expensive than most heaped computer system fans of computer games.
- That is, in Russia makes the computer ?!
- Why are you surprised? In Russia do not only computers, but also switching equipment and software - parries Vertigora. - There are companies Information Security Center - CBI, "Systematics" RNT, RusBITeh.
So, what are officials who have access to state secrets? For example, the computers "Hoop" from RNT. Of course, to call them can not be completely Russian - all components from China and Taiwan. However, all the parts are thoroughly tested - there are no bugs in them and other ingenious bookmarks by which information can be stolen and transferred to the customer-spy. But the configuration of computers - it engineers RNT. In the same company there is another service - mail management system Clear Mail. It not only monitors the security of correspondence, but also controls the content. Send to secret material smuggled by mail will not work.
- Each computer must have a security certificate that it could handle the secret state information, - explains Alexander Vertigora. - To obtain the certificate, you have a computer with a standard configuration to invest 100 - 200 thousand rubles to carry out a serious revision.
On such computers, and it is the domestic operating system developed by RusBITeh. Its core - Operating System Linux, but seriously reworked the requirements of the FSC.
- The system of special purpose armed forces adopted in 2013 - says Victor Pustovoy, chief adviser to the general director of the NGO "RusBITeh." - Her feature - the built-in security information. OS is already being used by 200 companies, universities and the Ministry of Defence, Federal Security Service and the FSB plans to apply it in the teaching process.
Does this mean that after the comments the Minister Nikiforov big bosses all computers will change to special safety car and it is costing a pretty penny considerable budget?
- Where necessary, these machines are already. Polls translated into specific computers should not wait - says Dmitry Zakharov, deputy director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Communications. - I think that all state clients whose activities are connected with providing security themselves gradually transferred IT projects for equipment and software more reliable partners.
Responded to the article ... the Russian Minister of Communications Nikolay Nikiforov.
"An article in the Wall Street Journal about the beginning of a large-scale intelligence information from the United States to Russia. US security officials themselves put an end to the further use of "software and hardware" of the US public and near-state sector in Russia ».
However, judging by the results obtained, the system of computer security We have already established quite decent.
- Use foreign protection for our state secrets fraught, - explains to me the chief of the Department of IT-security company "mask" Alexander Vertigora. - It is unlikely that foreign developers tell us about vulnerabilities in their software and how they use them. And there are a lot of leakage channels.
In the offices of the Russian security services and in the offices of those who have access to state secrets, has recently been equipped with special computers. In the open market they do not happen. Such a computer with all the protective Pribluda is significantly more expensive than most heaped computer system fans of computer games.
- That is, in Russia makes the computer ?!
- Why are you surprised? In Russia do not only computers, but also switching equipment and software - parries Vertigora. - There are companies Information Security Center - CBI, "Systematics" RNT, RusBITeh.
So, what are officials who have access to state secrets? For example, the computers "Hoop" from RNT. Of course, to call them can not be completely Russian - all components from China and Taiwan. However, all the parts are thoroughly tested - there are no bugs in them and other ingenious bookmarks by which information can be stolen and transferred to the customer-spy. But the configuration of computers - it engineers RNT. In the same company there is another service - mail management system Clear Mail. It not only monitors the security of correspondence, but also controls the content. Send to secret material smuggled by mail will not work.
- Each computer must have a security certificate that it could handle the secret state information, - explains Alexander Vertigora. - To obtain the certificate, you have a computer with a standard configuration to invest 100 - 200 thousand rubles to carry out a serious revision.
On such computers, and it is the domestic operating system developed by RusBITeh. Its core - Operating System Linux, but seriously reworked the requirements of the FSC.
- The system of special purpose armed forces adopted in 2013 - says Victor Pustovoy, chief adviser to the general director of the NGO "RusBITeh." - Her feature - the built-in security information. OS is already being used by 200 companies, universities and the Ministry of Defence, Federal Security Service and the FSB plans to apply it in the teaching process.
Does this mean that after the comments the Minister Nikiforov big bosses all computers will change to special safety car and it is costing a pretty penny considerable budget?
- Where necessary, these machines are already. Polls translated into specific computers should not wait - says Dmitry Zakharov, deputy director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Communications. - I think that all state clients whose activities are connected with providing security themselves gradually transferred IT projects for equipment and software more reliable partners.
