The long-awaited roketkam to "Union"
Launch vehicles based on Korolyevskiy "Seven" fly for fifty-seven years, but all this time they did not put video-recording ("roketkamy"). For telemetristov it was not really necessary, and the desire of fans to see the cosmos "as it appears in flight" did not become noticeable enough to only spend this money and time and make videofiksatsii module with the transfer of video to Earth by cosmic standards. The forum "Space News" even collected signatures for an open letter to the Russian Space Agency for a determination on the "union" roketkamy. I do not know whether it acted letter, or an initiative of the ESA, but recently happened joyous event - on the "Union", launched from Kourou, established roketkam! And now we can see how separated marginalia and the second stage, practically from the first person. For me it is very good news, and I hope you enjoy:
Thank Forum "Space News", we have animation shooting from the ground and from the board:
About layout "Soyuz" and the mechanism of separation stages I wrote enough .
Information about the camera, which supposedly stood for "Union» - OCAM , OCAM-2 .
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/218369/
Thank Forum "Space News", we have animation shooting from the ground and from the board:

About layout "Soyuz" and the mechanism of separation stages I wrote enough .
Information about the camera, which supposedly stood for "Union» - OCAM , OCAM-2 .
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/218369/