"Soyuz-2.1 a" will be displayed may 6 into orbit
Rocket "Soyuz-2.1 a", whose launch is scheduled for may 6, stands at the launch complex in Plesetsk, said Alexei Zolotukhin. "At the moment at the launch complex site No. 43 of the Plesetsk cosmodrome, which is "Soyuz-2.1 a", the combat calculation will be carried out testing of units and systems of the launch vehicle and all launch equipment," he says.
The satellite will receive brand familiar to military satellites, "the name", namely "Space" and the sequence number directly after its injection into orbit.
The decision to evacuate and set the media at the launch complex, was taken at a meeting of the State Commission for testing of military space systems, which took place on the Northern cosmodrome on Saturday under the leadership of Alexander Golovko.
Besides from Plesetsk in a short time, namely within three months, will be produced 5 runs. In addition to the "Soyuz-2.1 a" from the Arkhangelsk region in may will go "Roar" on Board of satellites of the Russian Ministry of defense. The launch of three more satellites under the name of "Gonets-M" is scheduled on July 9.
Note that the three-stage rocket "Soyuz-2.1 a" is a modification of "Soyuz-2". The development was made in Samara Samara space center "TsSKB - Progress". The mass of the payload, which is in low earth orbit would be missiles of type "the Union" is 2.8 — 9.2 thousand kg, depending on the point of launch and modifications. In addition to LV "Soyuz-2.1 a" instead of two analog control systems digital is a unified management system.
Source: globalscience.ru

The satellite will receive brand familiar to military satellites, "the name", namely "Space" and the sequence number directly after its injection into orbit.
The decision to evacuate and set the media at the launch complex, was taken at a meeting of the State Commission for testing of military space systems, which took place on the Northern cosmodrome on Saturday under the leadership of Alexander Golovko.
Besides from Plesetsk in a short time, namely within three months, will be produced 5 runs. In addition to the "Soyuz-2.1 a" from the Arkhangelsk region in may will go "Roar" on Board of satellites of the Russian Ministry of defense. The launch of three more satellites under the name of "Gonets-M" is scheduled on July 9.
Note that the three-stage rocket "Soyuz-2.1 a" is a modification of "Soyuz-2". The development was made in Samara Samara space center "TsSKB - Progress". The mass of the payload, which is in low earth orbit would be missiles of type "the Union" is 2.8 — 9.2 thousand kg, depending on the point of launch and modifications. In addition to LV "Soyuz-2.1 a" instead of two analog control systems digital is a unified management system.
Source: globalscience.ru
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