Concentration camps in the Arkhangelsk earth (7 photos)

Another wrote:
The staff of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) showed me these amateur photographs taken in the Arkhangelsk region - they embodied the very Belkova farm where caught small pups were maintained for months of age, before killing.

Kids will spend here about a month until such time as they are killed.

Belka is not always killed immediately on the spot. Most often they are caught, netted and transported to where they are growing up a little bit and turn into Circo. Fur Circo prized above, it is very soft, easy to handle. The main consumer of the fur - South European countries. Italy alone, according to expert estimates, imports up to 200,000 pelts Circo year.

P.S. Hunters Belka were paid 2-3 thousand rubles per season (two weeks). Now engaged in this fishery, mainly residents of Arkhangelsk, from coastal villages only a few people. They are taught to hunt for foreign technologies. Neither of which "traditional fishing" and can be no question. In the tradition of coast-dwellers never been hunting Belka and Circo. Pomors hunted only adult seals because of it needed fat and meat, and meat from a baby?
In early April, "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" published an article on the topic Belkova fishing in the Arkhangelsk region. I recommend to read it.
UPDATE: send ripples:
"I do wonder what opponents of the slaughter of seals still have any opponents. Is bestial cruelty of this industry is not obvious? "Traditional Pomeranian", you say? And helicopters, without which the fishery in such a form is not possible at all, it's probably too traditional Pomeranian transport. Yes, in the best case of 60-ies of the 20th century and flourished in this fishery. However, quite caught on.
One of the first impressions of her husband, who came in the early 80s as a teacher in those places - a whole class jumped up and stuck to the windows: right in front of the school has some clumsy trying to shoot two horses and everything could not finish off jerk animals. And the children, what? They are fun, yes, and more! After all, thousands of seals are slaughtered annually almost before their eyes.
The place where the animals caught on the ice doraschivat to the necessary standard (these pens are well illustrated in others) the locals call themselves Buchenwald. It is far enough from the village, but the cubs were so many and they are so howling, especially at night ... Although they brought something there in the faint and dizzy, and sorry for the physiology, crap condition - a fear experienced during the flight had just torn Young mothers.
At one of the local children's favorite expressions was, "Take me to your katarki!". I mean, hands. Katarkami same - the severed legs of seals - they loved to play football. Then the snow at school was all red striated srih.
For the dining room, where school children dined, too, he led a path of red. Because stolovatsya to come and fishers. Right to work without having to remove their bloodied cancer (or rock - hell knows how to call these orange rubber overalls). During zverolovki men did not drink. Still a couple of weeks earned many months in advance, sometimes up to a thousand rubles for 15-20 days. Yes, and I wanted to drink - could not. In the village at that time declared Prohibition: Strada.
In general, in a similar style is very long. But is it necessary? If you have this type of fishing among the staunchest supporters of the city, they are to check for lice better to just send in a Pomeranian village is not just for the period zveroboyki for a couple of years that they had eaten their fill, "bucolic" Pomor life. A local. A local nothing correct. They grew up among this and consider it quite normal. » from-arh.livejournal.com/70548.html
"In Russia, the number of harp seals in the White Sea less than one million. But in recent years, according to the census organized by IFAW, there has been a sharp decline in the birth rate: from about 330,000 pups in 2003 to no more than 140,000 in 2007. Trapping quotas for adult seals defined by the joint Russian-Norwegian commission constituted every year, based on the special factor of 125 - 200 000 000 calves, which is produced primarily for the sake of more valuable young fur. "(Source: International Fund for Animal Welfare - IFAW )
via Drugoi