Clothing made of marble - a project Alistair Thomson
A series of marble is a collection of clothing under the name «Collection Identity», that is "identical clothes." Artist from Edinburgh Alistair Thomson tirelessly working in his studio, cutting the waves and lace on the marble blocks. The purpose of the project is not concrete, sculptor working just for fun, and it turns out in the end very nice.
Wedding Dress Elizabeth Carrara marble
Shirt Layla, Carrara marble
Dress Kerry, Carrara marble
Shirt Anna Carrara marble
Shirt Eysling, Carrara marble
Dress Greta, Carrara marble
Marble boulders weighing several tons. This is the same sort of marble from which Michelangelo carved his David.
Thomson said that he just likes to see how heavy the material processed into a visual fragility. In addition to clothing, the wizard creates shoes and jewelry.
Bots, Cambrian marble
Sneakers, Cambrian marble
Horseshoe with fur, amulets
Alistair Thomson, a sculptor by training, stone carver, has the highest degree in the arts. The exhibition at the Scottish Academy of Arts in 2013, he won the People's Choice Award for his work.
Shirts Lucy Carrara marble
Shirts Lucy in the gallery Scottish Academy
The master's works are bought very well. It uses a rare marble to create dresses to repeat the texture of the material, such as satin, cotton, silk.
Dress Ruby, Carrara marble, sold
Blouse, Carrara marble, sold
Dress for girls, Carrara marble, sold
Polo, Carrara marble, sold
Shirt, Carrara marble, sold
T-shirt wrinkled, Carrara marble, sold
Now he is working in the studio creating sculptures in Rutland, Vermont, and is preparing for the next exhibition.

Wedding Dress Elizabeth Carrara marble

Shirt Layla, Carrara marble

Dress Kerry, Carrara marble

Shirt Anna Carrara marble

Shirt Eysling, Carrara marble

Dress Greta, Carrara marble
Marble boulders weighing several tons. This is the same sort of marble from which Michelangelo carved his David.
Thomson said that he just likes to see how heavy the material processed into a visual fragility. In addition to clothing, the wizard creates shoes and jewelry.

Bots, Cambrian marble

Sneakers, Cambrian marble

Horseshoe with fur, amulets
Alistair Thomson, a sculptor by training, stone carver, has the highest degree in the arts. The exhibition at the Scottish Academy of Arts in 2013, he won the People's Choice Award for his work.

Shirts Lucy Carrara marble

Shirts Lucy in the gallery Scottish Academy
The master's works are bought very well. It uses a rare marble to create dresses to repeat the texture of the material, such as satin, cotton, silk.

Dress Ruby, Carrara marble, sold

Blouse, Carrara marble, sold

Dress for girls, Carrara marble, sold

Polo, Carrara marble, sold

Shirt, Carrara marble, sold

T-shirt wrinkled, Carrara marble, sold
Now he is working in the studio creating sculptures in Rutland, Vermont, and is preparing for the next exhibition.