Secrets of the famous sculptures
Many of the great secrets of silent statues. In many important works of art is a mystery, "double bottom" or secret story that wants to open ...
For a long time it was thought that the ancient Greek sculpture in white marble were originally colorless. However, recent studies scientists have confirmed the hypothesis that the statues were painted in a wide range of colors, which eventually disappeared under prolonged exposure to light and air.
The famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin "The Kiss" was originally bore the name "Francesca da Rimini", in honor depicts her noble Italian ladies of the XIII century, whose name is immortalized by Dante's Divine Comedy (The Second Circle, Fifth song). The lady fell in love with her husband's younger brother Giovanni Malatesta, Paolo. When they read the story of Lancelot and Guinevere, I found them, and then killed her husband. In the sculpture can be seen as the Paolo holds a book in his hand. But in fact, the lovers do not touch each other's lips, as if alluding to the fact that they were killed without committing sin.
Renaming a sculpture in the abstract - The Kiss (Le Baiser) - it was made by critics who saw it for the first time in 1887
The Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen - one of the most long-suffering in the world: it is the most like the vandals. The history of its existence was very stormy. It broke and sawed into pieces many times. And now you can even detect subtle "scars" on the neck, which emerged from the need to replace the head of the sculpture. The Little Mermaid was beheaded twice, in 1964 and 1998. In 1984 she sawed off his right hand. March 8, 2006 at the mermaid's hand was raised dildo, and she was unfortunate splashed green paint. In addition, on the back adorned scrawled inscription "From the 8th of March!" In 2007, the government announced in Copenhagen that the statue could be moved next to the harbor, to avoid further incidents of vandalism and constant attempts to prevent tourists to climb on it.
Michelangelo depicted in his sculpture of Moses with horns. Many art historians attribute this to the misinterpretation of the Bible. In the Book of Exodus says that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the tablets, the Jews were hard to look at his face. At this point, the Bible uses the word, which is from the Hebrew can be translated as "rays", and as "horns." However, the context clearly we can say that we are talking about rays of light - that Moses' face was shining, and there was horned.
The most mysterious statue in the cemetery of Poblenou Catalan is called "Kiss of Death". Create it sculptor remains unknown. Usually author of "Kiss" is attributed to Jaume Barba, but there are those who believe, like a monument carved Joan Fonbernat. The sculpture is located in one of the far corners of the cemetery of Poblenou. It was she who inspired the filmmaker Bergman to create a picture of "The Seventh Seal" - the communion of the Knight and Death.
When you look at the statue, covered with translucent marble veil inevitably start thinking about how such a thing can be done in stone. It's all about the special structure of marble were used for these sculptures. The lump, which was to become a statue, was to have two layers - a more transparent, and the other more dense. Such natural stones are hard to find, but they are. The master was a story in his head, he knew what it was looking for a lump. He worked with her, observing the texture of the surface normal, and walking along the border separating the denser and more transparent part of the stone. As a result, the remains of the transparent part of the "translucent", which gave the effect of a veil.
The famous statue of David by Michelangelo was made from a piece of white marble left over from another sculptor Agostino di Duccio, who tried unsuccessfully to work with this piece, and then dropped it.
By the way, David, for centuries considered a model of male beauty, not so perfect. The fact that he was cross-eyed. To such conclusion the American scholar Mark a Fair from Stanford University, examined the statue with the help of laser-computer technology. "Visually impaired" by more than five-meter sculpture is invisible because it is hoisted on a high pedestal. According to experts, Michelangelo deliberately gave his brainchild this disadvantage since wanted to profile David looked perfect on either side.
The figure of Venus takes pride of place in the Louvre. A Greek peasant found her in 1820 on the island of Milos. At the time of detection of the figure has been broken down into two large fragments. In his left hand he is holding an apple goddess, and the right to hold a falling attire. Recognizing the historical importance of this ancient sculpture, the officers of the French Navy ordered to take marble statue from the island. When Venus was dragged over the rocks to the waiting ship, there was a fight between the porters, and broke both arms. Tired men flatly refused to go back and look for the remaining part.
Bronze Horseman - monument, surrounded by a mystical and otherworldly stories. One of the legends associated with it, is that during the war of 1812, Alexander I ordered take out from a particularly valuable works of art, including a monument to Peter I. At that time, a major Baturin got a meeting with a personal friend of the king of Prince Golitsyn and handed him his, Baturin pursues the same dream. He sees himself in the Senate Square. Peter Lik turns. The rider slides down from his rock and goes on the streets of St. Petersburg to Stone Island, where he lived when Alexander I. The rider enters the courtyard Kamenoostrovsky Palace, from which the emperor to meet him. "Young man, how you brought my Russian, - says he, Peter the Great - but as long as I'm on the ground, my city have nothing to fear!" Then the rider turns back, and again hear a "tough calls skakane." Amazed story Baturina, Prince Golitsyn handed a dream emperor. As a result, Alexander I reversed its decision to evacuate the monument. The monument remained in place.
Nicky found a statue on the island of Samothrace in 1863 Charles Shampuazo, the French consul and archaeologist. Carved from golden Parijskij marble statue of the island crowned the altar of sea gods. Researchers believe that the unknown sculptor created Nick in the II century BC, a sign of the Greek naval victories. Hands and head of the goddess irretrievably lost. We have made repeated attempts to restore the original position of the hands of the goddess. It is believed that the right hand raised, holding a cup, a wreath or a mountain. Interestingly, the repeated attempts to restore the statue's hands were unsuccessful - they spoil the masterpiece. These failures are forced to admit that Nick is a beautiful, perfect in its imperfection.
Source: worldart.uol.ua

For a long time it was thought that the ancient Greek sculpture in white marble were originally colorless. However, recent studies scientists have confirmed the hypothesis that the statues were painted in a wide range of colors, which eventually disappeared under prolonged exposure to light and air.

The famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin "The Kiss" was originally bore the name "Francesca da Rimini", in honor depicts her noble Italian ladies of the XIII century, whose name is immortalized by Dante's Divine Comedy (The Second Circle, Fifth song). The lady fell in love with her husband's younger brother Giovanni Malatesta, Paolo. When they read the story of Lancelot and Guinevere, I found them, and then killed her husband. In the sculpture can be seen as the Paolo holds a book in his hand. But in fact, the lovers do not touch each other's lips, as if alluding to the fact that they were killed without committing sin.
Renaming a sculpture in the abstract - The Kiss (Le Baiser) - it was made by critics who saw it for the first time in 1887

The Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen - one of the most long-suffering in the world: it is the most like the vandals. The history of its existence was very stormy. It broke and sawed into pieces many times. And now you can even detect subtle "scars" on the neck, which emerged from the need to replace the head of the sculpture. The Little Mermaid was beheaded twice, in 1964 and 1998. In 1984 she sawed off his right hand. March 8, 2006 at the mermaid's hand was raised dildo, and she was unfortunate splashed green paint. In addition, on the back adorned scrawled inscription "From the 8th of March!" In 2007, the government announced in Copenhagen that the statue could be moved next to the harbor, to avoid further incidents of vandalism and constant attempts to prevent tourists to climb on it.

Michelangelo depicted in his sculpture of Moses with horns. Many art historians attribute this to the misinterpretation of the Bible. In the Book of Exodus says that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the tablets, the Jews were hard to look at his face. At this point, the Bible uses the word, which is from the Hebrew can be translated as "rays", and as "horns." However, the context clearly we can say that we are talking about rays of light - that Moses' face was shining, and there was horned.

The most mysterious statue in the cemetery of Poblenou Catalan is called "Kiss of Death". Create it sculptor remains unknown. Usually author of "Kiss" is attributed to Jaume Barba, but there are those who believe, like a monument carved Joan Fonbernat. The sculpture is located in one of the far corners of the cemetery of Poblenou. It was she who inspired the filmmaker Bergman to create a picture of "The Seventh Seal" - the communion of the Knight and Death.

When you look at the statue, covered with translucent marble veil inevitably start thinking about how such a thing can be done in stone. It's all about the special structure of marble were used for these sculptures. The lump, which was to become a statue, was to have two layers - a more transparent, and the other more dense. Such natural stones are hard to find, but they are. The master was a story in his head, he knew what it was looking for a lump. He worked with her, observing the texture of the surface normal, and walking along the border separating the denser and more transparent part of the stone. As a result, the remains of the transparent part of the "translucent", which gave the effect of a veil.

The famous statue of David by Michelangelo was made from a piece of white marble left over from another sculptor Agostino di Duccio, who tried unsuccessfully to work with this piece, and then dropped it.
By the way, David, for centuries considered a model of male beauty, not so perfect. The fact that he was cross-eyed. To such conclusion the American scholar Mark a Fair from Stanford University, examined the statue with the help of laser-computer technology. "Visually impaired" by more than five-meter sculpture is invisible because it is hoisted on a high pedestal. According to experts, Michelangelo deliberately gave his brainchild this disadvantage since wanted to profile David looked perfect on either side.

The figure of Venus takes pride of place in the Louvre. A Greek peasant found her in 1820 on the island of Milos. At the time of detection of the figure has been broken down into two large fragments. In his left hand he is holding an apple goddess, and the right to hold a falling attire. Recognizing the historical importance of this ancient sculpture, the officers of the French Navy ordered to take marble statue from the island. When Venus was dragged over the rocks to the waiting ship, there was a fight between the porters, and broke both arms. Tired men flatly refused to go back and look for the remaining part.

Bronze Horseman - monument, surrounded by a mystical and otherworldly stories. One of the legends associated with it, is that during the war of 1812, Alexander I ordered take out from a particularly valuable works of art, including a monument to Peter I. At that time, a major Baturin got a meeting with a personal friend of the king of Prince Golitsyn and handed him his, Baturin pursues the same dream. He sees himself in the Senate Square. Peter Lik turns. The rider slides down from his rock and goes on the streets of St. Petersburg to Stone Island, where he lived when Alexander I. The rider enters the courtyard Kamenoostrovsky Palace, from which the emperor to meet him. "Young man, how you brought my Russian, - says he, Peter the Great - but as long as I'm on the ground, my city have nothing to fear!" Then the rider turns back, and again hear a "tough calls skakane." Amazed story Baturina, Prince Golitsyn handed a dream emperor. As a result, Alexander I reversed its decision to evacuate the monument. The monument remained in place.

Nicky found a statue on the island of Samothrace in 1863 Charles Shampuazo, the French consul and archaeologist. Carved from golden Parijskij marble statue of the island crowned the altar of sea gods. Researchers believe that the unknown sculptor created Nick in the II century BC, a sign of the Greek naval victories. Hands and head of the goddess irretrievably lost. We have made repeated attempts to restore the original position of the hands of the goddess. It is believed that the right hand raised, holding a cup, a wreath or a mountain. Interestingly, the repeated attempts to restore the statue's hands were unsuccessful - they spoil the masterpiece. These failures are forced to admit that Nick is a beautiful, perfect in its imperfection.

Source: worldart.uol.ua