How to catch an angel?
The author of this remarkable idea did this angel in a glass bowl many years ago,
a master class to finish the hand came just now. The author thinks that this kind of information,
that does not lose its value over time. Let's take a look at the process of the invention
and read the instructions. Then the words of the author:
First you need to make a wire man head-bead. Do not forget the halo ring. For my ball (6cm) I made a man a length of about 3, 5cm. Next, head, arms and legs should be covered nesolko layers of acrylic skin color (white + Security + Red).
For garments need crepe paper strip around 15-17sm in length and 3-3, 5 cm in width. One side of it is painted with golden acrylic with a brush. When it is dry, gently nanoshu end of PVA glue and paper dipped in tiny gold sequins. From the finished paper strip cut off about 1 5-2sm for each sleeve and around 9-12sm for the dress. The same is covered with glitter halo.
I specify the desired length of the sleeves and attach the wire to the leg, cut off the excess. Then glued together along the sleeves. When dry, they should be is gathered, put on foot men, fluff at the bottom with glue and prizhmat until the glue grabs (perhaps it will be easier to do with tweezers).
Just otpredelyaetsya required length dress, cut off the excess, then it is necessary to glue the strip into a ring as well as a sleeve. I make two cuts where the sleeves are (pictured clear where these places are located). Harvesting dresses worn on the figure, but first it is necessary to stick it only Metakhim cuts - where the foot.
That's how it will look:
When dry, a small amount of glue is attached to the dress a calf, while it is necessary to form small folds. In these folds to hide the main seam and lay them along the hose if there are traces of cuts and gluing. To keep it all tightly tie up the wire until dry adhesive.
Hats wire. If somewhere will stick pieces of adhesive, etc., can be given a sharp knife or razor. Angel bandages thread / fishing line - it is necessary to attach the wings and hanging angel in the ball. The ends of the threads should be 15-20 cm in length, the better to work with them.
Head-bead covered with large golden sequins.
On a piece of paper folded in half painted wings, then attach them to the angel, it is necessary to clarify the contours and draw a clean copy.
On top of paper with a picture of the wings ready to put organza. Wire about 10cm in length should be folded in half and sdelayt small loop in the middle. Then spread it by following the outer contour of the wings, a loop must be in the middle, as shown in the photo.
The wire on the outer edge of the picture is glued glue "Moment Crystal". Then suffered a white contour drawing, you can also sprinkle it with glitter - first one and then the other side of the fabric. When everything is dry, you can cut the wings along the contour paint.
Wings flash string, strapping angel through the wire loop, and the need to make several knots and fix them with glue. Then, cut one end of the thread. To be sure, before sewing the wings can drop of glue on the connection.
Ready sewn wings:
From the dense foil cut out quarter circle (about 0, 8 cm in radius). Using toothpicks twisted workpiece so that poluchitlsya even a narrow cone. Since I did not have a gold foil, I additionally covered her golden Potala, but that is the cost of production)))
Horn is attached to the legs of the angel is super-small droplets of glue or any other. Everything is ready.
You can already enjoy the result of their labors :-)
Now the most terrible and the main point: the lush clothing Angel have to lay down, roll straw wings, legs with a pipe to lift up and in a position to push the poor winged creature into a ball.
Using tweezers wings carefully expand in a normal position to put his hands.
Toothpicks or by the same forceps to reveal the hem, to correct other trifles. After that helpful to turn the ball and shake the excess glitter.
Now we can put on a ball cap. I do not like the usual hats Christmas-tree balls, because attaching them up too much space, in this case to anything. So I used the hat for beads (first completely flattened it, and then give the necessary form), which is adhered to the ball itself, pre threading through her pin (pin) of gold wire. This pin is necessary to make a loop for hanging the ball, and around its base to consolidate nesolko nodes thread, fixing the angel at the correct height.
Now everything is ready :-)
via community.livejournal.com
a master class to finish the hand came just now. The author thinks that this kind of information,
that does not lose its value over time. Let's take a look at the process of the invention
and read the instructions. Then the words of the author:

First you need to make a wire man head-bead. Do not forget the halo ring. For my ball (6cm) I made a man a length of about 3, 5cm. Next, head, arms and legs should be covered nesolko layers of acrylic skin color (white + Security + Red).

For garments need crepe paper strip around 15-17sm in length and 3-3, 5 cm in width. One side of it is painted with golden acrylic with a brush. When it is dry, gently nanoshu end of PVA glue and paper dipped in tiny gold sequins. From the finished paper strip cut off about 1 5-2sm for each sleeve and around 9-12sm for the dress. The same is covered with glitter halo.

I specify the desired length of the sleeves and attach the wire to the leg, cut off the excess. Then glued together along the sleeves. When dry, they should be is gathered, put on foot men, fluff at the bottom with glue and prizhmat until the glue grabs (perhaps it will be easier to do with tweezers).

Just otpredelyaetsya required length dress, cut off the excess, then it is necessary to glue the strip into a ring as well as a sleeve. I make two cuts where the sleeves are (pictured clear where these places are located). Harvesting dresses worn on the figure, but first it is necessary to stick it only Metakhim cuts - where the foot.

That's how it will look:

When dry, a small amount of glue is attached to the dress a calf, while it is necessary to form small folds. In these folds to hide the main seam and lay them along the hose if there are traces of cuts and gluing. To keep it all tightly tie up the wire until dry adhesive.

Hats wire. If somewhere will stick pieces of adhesive, etc., can be given a sharp knife or razor. Angel bandages thread / fishing line - it is necessary to attach the wings and hanging angel in the ball. The ends of the threads should be 15-20 cm in length, the better to work with them.

Head-bead covered with large golden sequins.

On a piece of paper folded in half painted wings, then attach them to the angel, it is necessary to clarify the contours and draw a clean copy.

On top of paper with a picture of the wings ready to put organza. Wire about 10cm in length should be folded in half and sdelayt small loop in the middle. Then spread it by following the outer contour of the wings, a loop must be in the middle, as shown in the photo.

The wire on the outer edge of the picture is glued glue "Moment Crystal". Then suffered a white contour drawing, you can also sprinkle it with glitter - first one and then the other side of the fabric. When everything is dry, you can cut the wings along the contour paint.

Wings flash string, strapping angel through the wire loop, and the need to make several knots and fix them with glue. Then, cut one end of the thread. To be sure, before sewing the wings can drop of glue on the connection.

Ready sewn wings:

From the dense foil cut out quarter circle (about 0, 8 cm in radius). Using toothpicks twisted workpiece so that poluchitlsya even a narrow cone. Since I did not have a gold foil, I additionally covered her golden Potala, but that is the cost of production)))

Horn is attached to the legs of the angel is super-small droplets of glue or any other. Everything is ready.

You can already enjoy the result of their labors :-)

Now the most terrible and the main point: the lush clothing Angel have to lay down, roll straw wings, legs with a pipe to lift up and in a position to push the poor winged creature into a ball.

Using tweezers wings carefully expand in a normal position to put his hands.

Toothpicks or by the same forceps to reveal the hem, to correct other trifles. After that helpful to turn the ball and shake the excess glitter.

Now we can put on a ball cap. I do not like the usual hats Christmas-tree balls, because attaching them up too much space, in this case to anything. So I used the hat for beads (first completely flattened it, and then give the necessary form), which is adhered to the ball itself, pre threading through her pin (pin) of gold wire. This pin is necessary to make a loop for hanging the ball, and around its base to consolidate nesolko nodes thread, fixing the angel at the correct height.

Now everything is ready :-)

via community.livejournal.com